Principal's Weekly Update #60

8th Grade Parent Night, Tuesday, April 5 – starting at 6:00 p.m. in the central quad. The evening schedule is as follows:
6:00 – 6:45 Boosters/ASB/Clubs – Individual table presentations
6:45 – 7:00 All Parents/Students meet in the gym for a short introduction/overview of programs
7:00 – 8:30 Parents meet Counselors in forum or band room. Students stay in gym for “Getting Connected” activities
If you are one of the co-curricular activities that need a table for the 6:00 – 6:45 Mustang Round-up, see Jason.

FYI – Pathways to the Future, Wednesday, April 6 – Student Services will be working with all of the high school Counselors to present Pathways to the Future on Wednesday at Esperanza High School. This is a district sponsored event for all of our parents to gather important information regarding post high school goals.

Spring Break is Coming - Only 2 more weeks!!!

“Thought for the Week”
“The happiest people don’t have the best of everything, they just make the best of everything.”

Yorba Linda High School – Meeting/Activity Schedule
Week of April 4 – April 9, 2011

Monday, April 4

Leadership Team Meeting 3:00 Library
V Golf vs. Fullerton 3:00 Black Gold GC
F/S Golf vs. Orange Lutheran TBA Fullerton GC
W JV & V Lacrosse @ Foothill 3:30/5:00 Foothill HS

Tuesday, April 5
8th Grade Parent Night – 6:00 – Central Quad
V Baseball @ OC Nissan Tournament 3:00 Home
JV & V Volleball vs. Tustin 3:15/4:30 Home
JV & V Tennis vs. Tustin V 3:15 Home
JV 3:15 Tustin HS
V Golf vs. Esperanza 3:00 Black Gold GC
JV Golf vs. Troy 2:30 Green River GC
JV & V Softball vs. Tustin 3:15 Home

Wednesday, April 6
Pathways to the Future – 6:30 – Esperanza HS
V Baseball @ OC Nissan Tournament 3:00 TBA
M V Lacrosse @ Laguna Hills 5:00 Laguna Hills HS
M JV Lacrosse vs. El Dorado 4:00 Home

Thursday, April 7
JV & V Volleyball @ Tustin 3:15/4:30 Tustin HS
JV & V Tennis vs. Tustin V 3:15 Tustin HS
JV 3:15 Home
V Golf vs. Orange Lutheran 2:30 Green River GC
JV Golf vs. Troy 3:15 Brea Creek GC
JV & V Softball @ Tustin 3:15 Tustin HS
W JV & V LaCrosse vs. Los Al 3:15/4:45 Home
F/S & V Track vs. Tustin 3:00 Valencia HS

Friday, April 8
M V LaCrosse vs. Esperanza 4:30 Home

Saturday, April 9
F/S, JV & V Baseball vs. Esperanza V TBA Home
F/S & JV TBA Esperanza HS
