Fritz, Kelly » Participation and Production Expectations

Participation and Production Expectations



Procedures & Make-Up Participation 

Students earn daily studio participation points (10 points per day).  If students are absent for any reason they will not receive their studio participation points unless they make up the studio time.  This option to make-up points is critical for my students so they do not fall behind with their studio tasks and maintain their participation grade.  On some occasions students need materials that cannot leave the art room.  This is also the perfect opportunity for me to work with them on individual tasks and help clarify demonstrations that may have been missed.  


Students need to make up their studio participation in a timely manner after their absence (within 2-3 weeks). Students will report to room 505 as quickly as possible at the start of break/lunch.  Once in the studio they are required to work on their studio tasks until the bell rings. They might also only need to touch base with me regarding what they have missed (depending on the instruction).  They may bring their lunch and eat in my room.  It is the student’s responsibility to check in with me at the start of break/lunch with their time card completely filled out.  My signature will record their make-up points.  I will collect all time cards before each grading period to add it into the participation grade.  


Studio Production...Your Time on Task!

 Students earn daily production points (10 points per day).   Students are required and expected to maintain a professional working studio environment each day.  Their time on task is critical to their success in a class of this nature.  If at any time I feel students are compromising the learning of others they will not receive their points for the day!  


There are many factors that contribute to a student losing points.  I expect students to be on time, walk with a purpose to set up for the daily activities, be attentive, participate in the demonstration/lesson, be engaged in their own learning, use studio time productively, clean-up appropriately, wait for the bell, etc. 


If I have to address a student in regards to their production more than TWICE in a class period, they WILL NOT earn their points for that day!