Picciotta, Daniela » German National Honor Society

German National Honor Society

Delta Epsilon Phi was founded by Kaethe Wilson at a high school in Florida in 1986. There are now over 1300 chapters in 50 states. The purpose of the organziation is to recognize high school scholastic achievement in the study of German and to promote interest in the study of German language, literature and civilization. Any accredited high school is eligible to have a chapter but the sponsors of chapters must be teachers of German and members of the American Association of Teachers of German (AATG).
To be eligible for induction, students must have completed their third semester of German (or what the sponsor considers to be the equivalent in out-of-school experience with the German language and culture). During those three semester, eligible students must have attained an overall grade point average of 3.0 and a German grade point average of 3.6 on a 4-point scale. Individual schools may set additional eligibility requirements. YLHS requires students to complete three years of German and to be enrolled in German during their Senior year to become a member (exception: students with prior language knowledge who did not start at level 1).
Members of the society are inducted and honored with a certificate and a pin at a special ceremony in September of their Senior year, and they participate in different activities throughout the year. Meetings will take place every other month. Seniors who continue to meet GPA requirements and stay enrolled in a German class will have the privilege to wear their German Honor Society pin at graduation, and they will receive a seal on their diploma. Moreover, a membership in an Honor Society is always an advantage when students apply for scholarships. Just by belonging to Delta Epsilon Phi, one student each year will have the opportunity to be nominated to compete for a scholarship for a four-week summer study trip to Germany.