German 1 (Period 6) Assignments

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Vocabulary quiz "birthday"
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Monday, December 9 2:46 PM



Conjuguemos "Kapitel 7"
a minimum of 25 cards with at least 80% accuracy
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Wednesday, December 11 1:32 PM



Conjuguemos vocabulary "professions"
a minimum of 25 cards with at least 80% accuracy 
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, December 1 5:15 PM



Vocabulary quiz "professions" and family tree presentations.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, December 1 5:16 PM



Bring pictures of family members (real photos, printed photos or cut out pictures) for  your family tree project. 
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, December 1 5:14 PM



Study flashcards (professions) - quiz on Friday.
Most female job versions end a "in" to the word.
der Buchhalter - accountant
der Koch - chef
der Zahnarzt - dentist
der Arzt - doctor
der Elektriker - electrician
der Ingenieur - engineer
der Feuerwehrmann - fire fighter
der Friseur - hair dresser
der Rechtsanwalt - lawyer
der Mechaniker - mechanic
die Krankenschwester - nurse
der Krankenpfleger - male nurse
der Polizist - police officer
der Makler - real estate agent
der Verkäufer - sales person
die Sekretärin - secretary
die Hausfrau/der Hausmann - stay at home mom/dad
der Chirurg - surgeon
der Lehrer - teacher
der Tierarzt - veterinarian
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, December 3 2:42 PM



Vocabulary quiz with grammar (possessive pronouns).
meine/meine   dein/deine   sein/seine   ihr/ihre   unser/unsere   euer/eure   ihr/ihre
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, November 17 5:51 PM



Make flashcards (family vocabulary) and study them for at least 10 minutes).
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, November 17 5:52 PM



Vocabulary quiz (free time activities).
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, November 2 4:15 PM



Worksheet stem-changing verbs page 45: refer to verb forms in the box up top
activity 15: use the verbs in the following order
1. aussehen - nehmen - nehmen
2. nehmen - aussehen - aussehen - nehmen - nehmen - nehmen - aussehen
vocabulary help: Pulli - sweater, billig - cheap, 
activity 16: das Kleid = the dress, anprobieren - try on, anziehen - wear,  
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Wednesday, November 6 1:47 PM



Review your notes and study flashcards (free time activities). Quiz on Friday.
zeichnen - to draw
basteln - arts and crafts
wandern - to hike
tanzen - to dance
lesen - to read
malen - to paint
kochen - to cook
schreiben - to write
Freunde besuchen/treffen - visit/meet friends
Fernsehen schauen - watch TV
Musik hören - listen to music
Fotos machen - to pictures
Schach spielen - play chess
einkaufen gehen - go shopping
Videospiele spielen - play videogames
im Internet surfen - to surf the net
Fahrrad fahren - ride a bike
reiten - ride a horse
Ski fahren - skiing
sammeln - to collect
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Monday, November 4 8:18 AM



Conjuguemos: animals. Quiz on Friday (only flashcard words).
Practice flashcards as long as necessary. Then complete the graded activity with at least 25 cards and a minimum accuracy of 70%.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Monday, October 28 6:06 PM



Conjuguemos: pets/farm animals. Quiz on Friday.
Practice flashcards as long as necessary. Then complete the graded activity with at least 25 cards and a minimum accuracy of 70%.
Review your notes: personal pronouns I = ich, you (sg.) = du, he/she/it - er/sie/es
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Monday, October 28 6:06 PM



Make animal flashcards. Quiz on Friday.
der Hund - dog
das Kaninchen - rabbit
die Katze - cat
das Pferd - horse
die Schildkröte - turtle
die Schlange - snake
die Spinne - spider
der Vogel - bird
die Kuh - cow
der Löwe - lion
das Nashorn - rhino
das Nilpferd - hippo
das Schaf - sheep
das Schwein - pig
die Ameise - ant
der Bär - bear
das Huhn - chicken
der Frosch - frog
die Ziege - goat
der Affe - monkey
die Schnecke - snail
die Fledermaus - bat
der Schmetterling - butterfly
der Fuchs - fox
die Eidechse - lizzard
Review your notes: the indefinite article "a" and negation with "not a"
der Hund - ein Hund                                 Ich habe (k)einen Hund.
die Spinne - eine Spinne                          Ich habe (k)eine Spinne.
das Kaninchen - ein Kaninchen               Ich habe (k)ein Kaninchen.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Monday, October 28 6:05 PM



Review your notes (animal vocabulary). Quiz on Friday.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, October 15 7:10 PM



Grammar quiz: the verb "haben" and verb in 2nd position with seqencing words (zuerst, dann, danach, zuletzt)
Zuerst habe ich Mathe. Dann habe ich Deutsch um 9 Uhr. 
Wann hat Bob Geschichte? 
Wir haben Sport nach der Mittagspause. 
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, October 19 3:06 PM



Review your notes: report cards/grades in Germany, giving opinions on grades
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, October 19 3:04 PM



Review your notes: German school system. Quiz tomorrow.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, October 15 7:16 PM



Review your notes: the verb "haben" plus sequencing words
ich habe, du hast, er/sie hat, wir haben, ihr habt, sie haben
zuerst (first), dann (then), danach (after that), zuletzt (last)
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, October 15 7:14 PM



Practice vocabulary "things in the classroom I and II. Study for quiz!
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, October 5 12:59 PM



Conjuguemos: things in the classroom II. Quiz on Friday.
Practice flashcards as long as necessary. Then complete the graded activity with at least 25 cards and a minimum accuracy of 80%.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, October 12 2:25 PM



Practice vocabulary "things in the classroom I". Quiz on Friday.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, October 5 12:57 PM



Conjuguemos: things in the classroom I. Quiz on Friday.
Practice flashcards as long as necessary. Then complete the graded activity with at least 25 cards and a minimum accuracy of 80%.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, October 12 2:25 PM



Scavenger results are due!
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, September 28 3:58 PM



review for chapter 1 test
Wie geht es dir? Wie geht es Ihnen? - Es geht mir gut.
Wie heißt du? Wie heißen Sie? - Ich heiße Claudia.
Wie alt bist du? Wie alt sind Sie? - Ich bin 15 Jahre alt.
Woher kommst du? Woher kommen Sie? - Ich komme aus Kalifornien.
Wo wohnst du? Wo wohnen Sie? - Ich wohne in Yorba Linda.
Wie kommst du zur Schule? Wie kommen Sie zur Schule? - Ich komme mit dem Auto. 
der Vorname - first name
der Nachname/der Familienname - last name
der Wohnort - place of residence
die Straße - street
die Hausnummer - house number
das Land - country
die Adresse - address
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, September 28 3:58 PM



review your notes: Wie kommst du zur Schule? How do you get to school? + worksheet #17/18/19
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, September 28 3:53 PM



review your notes: regular verbs "machen" (to do) and "spielen" (to play)
ich mache, du machst, er/sie macht, wir machen, ihr macht, sie/Sie machen
ich spiele, du spielst, er/sie spielt, wir spielen, ihr spielt, sie/Sie spielen
Ich - I   du - you (sg)   er - he   sie - she   wir - we   ihr - you (pl)   sie - they   Sie - you (formal)
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, September 28 3:51 PM



study for vocabulary quiz: sports and instruments
Bundesliga presentations for Augsburg and Union Berlin.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, September 21 11:26 AM



review your notes: sports and instruments + make flashcards
Was magst du? - Ich mag ...
What do you like? - I like ...
flashcards words:
Fußball spielen - to play soccer
turnen - to do gymnastics
angeln - fishing
reiten - ride a horse
schwimmen - to swim
segeln - to sail
Ski fahren - to ski
ringen - to wrestle
tanzen - to dance
Leichtathletik - track and field
die Flöte - the flute
die Gitarre - the guitar
das Klavier - the piano
das Schlagzeug - the drums
in meiner Freizeit - in my free time
ich spiele - I play
du spielst - you play
er/sie spielt - he/she plays
sie spielen - they play
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, September 24 2:27 PM



review your notes: formal version of yesterday's questions + worksheet # 8/9/10
Wie heißen Sie? Wie alt sind Sie? Woher kommen Sie? Wo wohnen Sie?
The verb "sein" (to be): ich bin - du bist - er/sie ist - wir sind - ihr seid - sie/Sie sind
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, September 24 2:23 PM



review your notes: personal data + worksheet p. 5
Wie heißt du? Wie alt bist du? Woher kommst du? Wo wohnst du?
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, September 24 2:21 PM



review your notes: greetings and good-byes
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, September 21 11:24 AM



study for quiz : body parts
conjuguemos: body parts
Practice flashcards as long as necessary. Then complete the graded activity with at least 25 cards and a minimal accuracy of 80%. 
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, September 14 6:04 PM



Study flashcards (body parts II) - quiz on Friday.
die Schulter - the shoulder
die Brust - the chest
der Bauch - the belly
der Rücken - back
die Hüfte - the hip
der Popo - the butt
das Bein - the leg
das Knie - the knee
der Fuß - the foot
die Zehen - the toes
der Ellbogen - the elbow
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, September 17 12:23 PM



Study flashcards (body parts I) - quiz on Friday.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Wednesday, September 18 1:53 PM



review your notes: colors
weiß - schwarz - braun - grau - blau - rot - orange - gelb - grün - lila - rosa
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, September 14 5:58 PM



study for quiz: days of the week/months/seasons/weather/time
vorgestern - gestern - heute  - morgen - übermorgen
Mein Geburtstag ist im ________.
kalt - kühl - warm - heiß - es regnet - es schneit - es friert - es ist sonnig/wolkig/windig
Frühling - Sommer - Herbst - Winter
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, September 14 5:50 PM



review your notes: telling time
Es ist fünf nach drei. - It is five past three.
Es ist zehn nach drei. - It is ten past three.
Es ist Viertel nach drei. - It is a quarter past three.
Es ist zwanzig nach drei. - It is twenty past three.
Es ist fünfundzwanzig nach drei. - It is twenty five past three.
Es ist halb vier. - It is half past three.
Es ist Viertel vor vier. - It is a quarter before four.
Es ist fünf vor vier. - It is five before four.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, September 8 12:47 PM



review your notes: basic weather terms and telling time
Wie spät ist es? - What time is it?
Es ist vier Uhr. - It is four o'clock.
Es ist vier Uhr zehn - It is 4:10.
Es ist vier Uhr fünfundvierzig. - It is 4:45.
Wann beginnt der Film? - When does the movie start?
Der Film beginnt um 18 Uhr. - The movie starts at 6 pm.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, September 14 5:50 PM



review your notes: days of the week/months/seasons and basic weather terms
Mein Lieblingstag ist ... - My favorite day is ...
Mein Lieblingsmonat ist ... - My favorite month is ...
Mein Geburtstag ist im ... - My birthday is in ...
kalt - cold, kühl - cool, warm - warm, heiß - hot
Es ist sonnig/wolkig/windig. - It is sunny/cloudy/windy. 
Es regnet/schneit. - It is raining/snowing.
Die Sonne scheint. - The sun is shining. 
Wie ist das Wetter heute/morgen/im Sommer? - How is the weather today/tomorrow/in summer?
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, September 8 12:48 PM



review your notes: days of the week/months/seasons
Heute ist ... - today is ...
Morgen ist ... - tomorrow is ...
Übermorgen ist ... the day after tomorrow is ...
Gestern war ... yesterday was ...
Vorgestern war ... the day before yesterday was ...
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, September 8 12:38 PM



study for quiz (all that we have covered so far)
3 reasons why studying German is useful (no personal reasons)
Wie geht's? - Es geht mir gut.
Wie heißt du? - Ich heiße Peter.
Wie alt bist du? - Ich bin 14 Jahre alt.
the alphabet and numbers 0-100 in German
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, September 14 5:54 PM



review and practice
Wie alt bist du? Ich bin ... Jahre alt.
numbers 21-100
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, September 14 6:06 PM



review and practice 
Wie alt bist du? Ich bin ... Jahre alt.
numbers 0-20 in German
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Monday, September 2 7:12 PM



continue to practice the following:
Wie geht es dir? Es geht mir .../Ich bin müde.
Wie heißt du? Ich heiße ....
the German alphabet
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Monday, September 2 7:11 PM



review and practice:
Wie geht's? Wie geht es dir? Es geht mir wunderbar/gut/so la la/nicht so gut/miserabel.
Wie heißt du? Ich heiße _______.
the German alphabet (spell your first and last name)
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, September 14 6:05 PM