PTSA Home Page
The Parent Teacher Student Association (PTSA) at Yorba Linda High School would like to extend a warm WELCOME to the new families and all the returning Mustang families for the 2023-2024 school year. The Yorba Linda High School PTSA is committed to funding programs supporting excellence in education for all students. All Yorba Linda High School parents, teachers, and students are invited to join. PTSA funds go to support YLHS students and teachers, including educational technology, classroom supplies, and equipment needed for arts and athletics. Your support is important and vital to our success!
We look forward to another great year of unified spirit in working, supporting, building, and serving our Mustangs community. We are committed to making the best in the current circumstances and with your enthusiastic support, we believe we can connect and serve our students and teachers and maintain our excellence in serving the Mustangs community. PTSA needs you, to become a member, and volunteer today! LINK To Volunteer