German 1 (Period 6) Assignments

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assignment for Friday:
Conjuguemos "Desserts and Drinks" - at least 20 cards with a minimum accuracy of 80%
Conjuguemos "Hobbies" - at least 20 cards with a minimum accuracy of 80%
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, March 28 7:11 PM



assignment for Thursday:
1. click on "G1week3" and complete the fourth page (titled Donnerstag)
2. make flashcards for the following words and study:
singen - to sing
schlafen - to sleep
surfen - to surf
schwimmen - to swim
fotografieren/Fotos machen - to take pictures
Freunde besuchen/Freunde treffen - to visit/meet friends
Fernsehen schauen/fernsehen - to watch TV
schreiben - to write
Same submission options as before.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, March 28 7:29 PM



assignment for Wednesday:
1. click on "G1week3" and complete the third page (titled Mittwoch)
2. make flashcards for the following words and study:
Gewichte heben - to lift weights
Musik hören - to listen to music
malen - to paint
Videospiele spielen - to play videogames
lesen - to read
Fahrrad fahren - to ride a bike
reiten - to ride a hors
laufen - to run
Same submission options as mentioned before.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, March 28 7:26 PM



assignment for Tuesday:
1. click on "G1week3" and complete the second page (titled Dienstag)
2. make flashcards for the following words and study
kochen - to cook
tanzen - to dance
basteln - to do crafts
turnen - to do gymnastics
zeichnen - to draw
angeln - to fish
einkaufen gehen - to go shopping
wandern - to hike
You have the same submission options that I listed yesterday.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, March 28 7:25 PM



assignment for Monday:
1. click on "G1week3" and complete the first page (titled Montag)
2. make flashcards for the following words and study 
mit Zucker - with sugar
mit Zitrone - with lemon
das Vanilleeis - vanilla ice cream
das Fruchteis - fruit flavored ice cream
das Schokoladeneis - chocolate ice cream
der Eisbecher - the sundae
die Kugel - the scoop
der Eistee - iced tea
der Keks - the cookie
der Kuchen - the cake
You have two options to submit:
a) print out worksheet, complete it, take a picture, email the picture to me  as well as a picture of your flashcards (front and back) today by 6 pm (then do the same Tues-Thurs)
b) write all answers from Monday-Thursday (nicely labelled) into a google doc and submit that by 6 pm on Friday. Submit a picture of flashcards (front/back) by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, March 28 7:21 PM



assignment for Friday:
read and translate "Rafiks Blog" on page 23 (posted on my homepage as G1p23 pdf) - write a blog about yourself following Rafik's example
Please email me the work from Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (together as a google doc) by 6 pm today.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, March 21 2:30 PM



assignment for Thursday:
vocab and grammar practice page 20 (posted on my homepage as G1p20 pdf) 
I) Please translate the sentences from activity 1c (blue box).
II) Complete activity 2. Use "nicht" when the highlighted word is a verb and use "kein/keine/keinen" when the highlighted word is a noun.
Please email me the work from Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (together as a google doc) by 6 pm. on Friday.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, March 21 2:29 PM



assignment for Wednesday:
answer the questions from activity 12 on page 27 in German in complete sentences (posted on my homepage as G1p27 pdf)
translations of questions:
When do you leave your house in the morning?
When do you get home?
How long do you do homework?
What do you do then?
When do you go to bed?
When do you get up on the weekends?
Do you have to study on the weekends, too?
How long (in minutes) do you ... per week 
- watch TV
- play on the computer
- play sports
- read
- listen to music
How often do you meet up with friends?
How often do you talk to your parents?
every day/jeden Tag, every other day/jeden zweiten Tag, sometimes/manchmal, always/immer, from time to time/ab und zu, never/nie, often/oft
Please email me the work from Wednesday, Thursday and Friday (together as a google doc) by 6 pm on Friday.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, March 21 2:29 PM



assignment for Tuesday:
same blog as yesterday - translate the remaining three sections 
new words:
meistens - most of the time
viele - many
richtig - here: really
Traum - dream
verdienen - to earn
bei - here: with 
überall in der Welt - everywhere in the world
Jugend - youth
Wie ist es bei euch? - How is it for you guys?
schafft - manages
bestimmt - for sure
mehrmals - multiple times
Ferien - vacation time
Please email me Monday and Tuesday's translation (together as a google doc) by 6 pm today.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, March 21 2:27 PM



assignment for Monday:
Please take vocabulary quiz "Freizeit" on Conjuguemos. You can access the quiz by clicking on the tab "my quizzes" in the top left corner of the screen (next to "my activities"). Please take the quiz during the time our class would be in session.
read blog on p. 26 (posted on my homepage as G1p26 pdf) - translate first paragraph (ends with "mit Freunden chatten")
new words:
wenig - litte
manche von uns - some of us
dauern - take (time)
das kommt darauf an - that depends (on)
ganz schnell - very fast
vielleicht - maybe
genau - exact(ly)
andere - others
brauchen - need
Klassenarbeiten - class tests
einige von uns - a few of us
Nachhilfe - tutoring
ein bisschen - a little bit 
Please email me Monday and Tuesday's translation (together as a google doc) by 6 pm on Tuesday.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, March 22 5:37 PM



assignment for Friday:
Please translate the following sentences:
1) My friend goes to church on Sunday.
2) I like to go to the swimming pool in the summer.
3) My sister likes to go out on the weekends.
4) He would like to go downtown.
5) They want to go to the movie theater.
6) Du kommst zu spät zur Party.
7) Er möchte zum Strand gehen.
8) Ich bin morgens pünktlich in der Schule.
9) Kannst du mich nach der Schule abholen?
10) Ich gehe gern mit meinen Freunden ins Einkaufszentrum.
Please email your work to me ([email protected]) by 6 pm.
There will be a vocabulary quiz on Conjuguemos on Monday.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Wednesday, March 18 6:17 PM



assignment for Thursday:
Conjuguemos "Freizeit/phrases" - 25 words with 80% accuracy
There will be a quiz on these words the week after our return to school.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, March 15 2:07 PM



assignment for Wednesday:
make flashcards for the following words and study them for at least 15 minutes
Ich habe keine Lust - I don't feel like it.
Ich habe keine Zeit - I don't have time.
Ich habe kein Geld - I don't have money.
Ich habe kein Interesse - I am not interested.
Ich habe keine Ahnung - I have no clue.
Ich habe zu viel zu tun - I have too much to do.
Ich kann leider nicht - Unfortunately, I can't.
Das geht nicht - That won't work/is not possible.
Hast du eine Idee? - Do you have an idea?
Was ist dein Vorschlag? What is your suggestion?
abholen - to pick up
mitkommen - to come along
einladen - to invite
absagen - to cancel
ausgehen - to go out
Spaß haben - to have fun
Das macht Spaß - This is fun.
pünktlich sein - to be on time
zu spät kommen - to arrive late
jemanden versetzen - to stand somebody up
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, March 14 8:28 PM



assignment for Tuesday:
Conjuguemos "Freizeit/gehen" - 25 words with 80% accuracy
There will be a quiz on these words the week after our return to school.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, March 15 2:07 PM



assignment for Monday:
make flashcard for the following words and study them for at least 15 minutes
ins Schwimmbad gehen - to go to the swimming pool
ins Kino gehen - to go to the movie theater
ins Theater gehen - to go to the theater
ins Konzert gehen - to go to the concert
ins Musical gehen - to go to the musical
ins Museum gehen - to go to the musical
ins Fitnesscenter gehen - to go to the gym
in die Disko gehen - to go to the club
in die Stadt gehen - to go to the city/downtown
in die Oper gehen - to go to the opera
in die Kirche gehen - to go to church
in die Schule gehen - to go to school
in den Freizeitpark gehen - to go to the amusement park
zum Sommerfest gehen - to go to the summer festival
zum Fußballspiel gehen - to go to the soccer game
zum Einkaufszentrum gehen - to go to the mall
zum Strand gehen - to go to the beach
zum Spielplatz gehen - to go to the playground
zur Party/Fete gehen - to go to the party
nach Hause gehen - to go home
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, March 14 8:14 PM



Vocabulary quiz "meals"
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, March 8 4:51 PM



Conjuguemos "meals"
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, March 8 4:41 PM



Flashcard words "meals"
das Rindfleisch - beef
das Schweinefleisch - pork
die Vorspeise - appetizer
der Speck - bacon
die Ofenkartoffel - baked potato
das Getränk - beverage
das Frühstück - breakfast
das Hähnchenfleisch - chicken
der Nachtisch - dessert
das Abendessen - dinner
die Fischstäbchen - fish sticks
der gebratene Fisch - fried fish
das Knoblauchbrot - garlic bread
das Mittagessen - lunch
das Hauptgericht - main course
das Kartoffelpüree - mashed potatoes
der Pfannkuchen - pancake
das Nudelgericht - pasta dish
der Kuchen - pie/cake
der Pudding - pudding
der Rühreier - scrambled eggs
die Suppe - soup
der Sirup - syrup
die Waffeln - waffles
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Wednesday, March 11 1:27 PM



Vocabulary quiz "Restaurant"
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, March 3 10:32 AM



Vocabulary quiz "Supermarkt"
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, March 3 10:33 AM



Conjuguemos "Restaurant"
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, February 29 8:42 PM



Conjuguemos "Food: Supermarket"
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, February 22 10:37 AM



Vocabulary quiz on food vocabulary
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, February 22 10:39 AM



Conjuguemos "Food: vegetables"
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, February 22 10:36 AM



Conjuguemos "Food: fruits"
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, February 22 10:36 AM



Grammar quiz on modal verbs and command forms.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, February 9 5:41 PM



Worksheet, p. 58
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Monday, February 3 2:47 PM



Worksheet p. 55 # 1 and p. 56 # 3
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Monday, February 3 2:47 PM



zu Hause helfen - to help at home
Hausarbeit machen - to do chores
mein Zimmer aufräumen - to clean up my room
das Bett machen - make the bed
meine Klamotten aufräumen - to pick up your clothes
die Katze füttern - to feed the cat
den Tisch decken - to set the table
den Tisch abräumen - to clear the table
das Geschirr spülen - to clean the dishes
die Blumen gießen - to water the flowers
den Müll sortieren - to sort the trash
den Rasen mähen - to mow the lawn 
Staub saugen - to vacuum
die Fenster putzen - to clean the windows
einkaufen gehen - to go shopping
die Spülmaschine ausräumen - to empty the dishwasher
in der Küche helfen - to help in the kitchen
sauber machen - to clean
müssen - must/have to
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Monday, February 3 1:56 PM



Study flashcards for vocabulary quiz!
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Wednesday, January 29 2:37 PM



das Wohnzimmer - living room
das Esszimmer - dining room
das Badezimmer - bathroom
das Kinderzimmer - kid's room
das Schlafzimmer - bedroom
das Arbeitszimmer - home office 
die Küche - kitchen
der Keller - basement
die Terasse - patio
der Flur - hallway
der Dachboden - attic
der Spiegel - mirror
der Nachttisch - nightstand
die Dusche - shower
das Waschbecken - sink
die Badewanne - bathtub
die Möbel - pieces of furniture
der Teppich - rug/carpet
der Kühlschrank - fridge
die Kommode - dresser
die Treppe - stairs
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Wednesday, January 29 1:44 PM