German 4 (Period 2) Assignments

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final project is due - please submit a typed up written version (about 500 words) as a google doc plus have someone film you when you present your slides (minimum 3 minutes) - please email me the presentation (filming of the presentation)
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, April 7 4:14 PM



seinem Herzen Luft machen - to vent
please take the Spruch des Tages quiz during your class time (9-10 am) - it will be posted on my homepage
watch Jojo Folge 33 - look up vocabulary and answer questions - please submit your work by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, April 7 4:08 PM



ein Herz und eine Seele sein - to be best buddies
seinem Herzen einen Stoß geben - to convince yourself it's the right time to do something
etwas auf dem Herzen haben - to have something bothering you
essay on the environment - sources are posted in "G4essay" - please submit your essay by 3 pm on Thursday
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, April 7 5:01 PM



jmdn ins Herz schließen - to become fond of someone
watch Jojo Folge 31+32 - look up vocabulary and answer questions - submit your work by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, April 7 4:11 PM



jmdn auf Herz und Nieren prüfen - make sure someone is trustworthy/legit
both posted in "Umwelt2"
p. 111 activity c (write down which line contains the information) - this is related to yesterday's text
activity 4 (take the survey) plus write a small paragraph on what you do to keep your footprint small - or not ...
please submit your work by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, April 7 4:10 PM



jmdm etwas ans Herz legen - to trust somebody with something/to make sure they understand it's important to you
text "Müll - unsere Spuren in der Natur" ("Umwelt2") - read text and translate 2 and 3 - submit your work by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, April 7 4:09 PM



das Herz auf dem rechten Fleck haben - to be a good person
read "Umweltreportage", "Kraftwerk in Brandenburg" and "Umweltfreundliche Ampeln" ("Umwelt2")- answer MC questions - submit your answers by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, April 7 4:09 PM



sich ein Herz fassen - to finallly be brave enough to do something
read "Pferdekutschen auf Juist" and Verkehrsmittel in Braunschweig" (posted as "Umwelt2) - answer MC questions - submit your answers by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, April 7 4:09 PM



etwas nicht über's Herz bringen - to not have the heart to do something
watch Jojo Folge 11-15 - look up vocabulary and answer questions - please submit your work by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Tuesday, April 7 3:45 PM



nicht in jmds Haut stecken moechten - to not want to be in somebody's shoes
please take the Spruch des Tages during your class time (9-10 am) - the quiz will be posted on my homepage
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, April 4 6:02 PM



jmdm sein Herz ausschütten - to tell someone all that is bothering you
pick two out of the four texts that you read the last two days and write a paragraph in German about why you like those ideas (minimum 10 sentences)
please submit your paragraph by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, April 5 5:09 PM



unter die Haut gehen - to get under your skin
texts 3 and 4 - read texts and summarize them in English
please submit your summaries by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, April 4 6:41 PM



ein Häufchen Unglück - to be extremely sad
texts 1 and 2 - read texts and summarize both in English
please submit your summaries by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, April 4 6:41 PM



jmdm das Handwerk legen - to arrest someone
watch JoJo Folge 27+28 - look up vocabulary and answer questions - please submit your work by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, April 5 5:08 PM



das Heft fest in der Hand haben - to be totally in charge
please take the vocab quiz "Umwelt2" on conjuguemos during your class time (9-10 am) - you can access the quiz under the "my quizzes" tab
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, April 4 5:53 PM



aus dem Häuschen sein - to be super excited
worksheet A (select correct word) and B (fill in the blank with words from the word bank) - make 12 flashcards
please take a picture and submit by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, April 4 5:51 PM



auf der faulen Haut liegen
text "Umweltschutz" - translate remaining four sections - make 12 flashcards
please submit your translations by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, April 4 5:48 PM



jmdm ins Handwerk pfuschen - to spoil somebody's plan
text "Umweltschutz" - read text and translate intro plus Christoph
please submit your translations by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, April 4 6:39 PM



ein alter Hase - a wise person
watch JoJo Folge 25+26 - look up vocabulary and answer questions - submit your answers by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, April 5 5:07 PM



in guten Händen sein
please take the Spruch des Tages quiz during your class time (9-10am) - the quiz will be posted on my homepage 
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, April 4 5:44 PM



jmds rechte Hand sein - to be someone's right hand
text "Kompostieren" - read text and translate marked sections
please submit your translations by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, April 4 6:39 PM



etwas mit der linken Hand machen - something is a piece of cake
text "Mülltrennung" - translate lines 45-65 (two paragraphs on page with questions)
please submit your translation by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, April 4 5:42 PM



mit beiden Händen zugreifen - to take full advantage of something
text "Mülltrennung" - read text and answer questions 1-8 
please submit your answers by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, April 4 6:38 PM



seine Hände in Unschuld waschen - to pretend you are innocent
watch JoJo Folge 23+24 - look up vocabulary and answer questions - please submit your work by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, April 5 5:07 PM



die Hände in den Schoß legen - to be lazy
please take the vocabulary quiz "Umwelt1" on conjuguemos during your class time (9-10 am) - you can access the quiz under the "my quizzes" tab
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, April 4 5:37 PM



nicht mit leeren Händen kommen - to not come empty-handed
text "Vermischtes" - read text, translate 7-10, make 10 flashcards
please submit your translations by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, April 4 6:37 PM



im Handumdrehen - in the blink of an eye
text "Vermischtes" - read text, translate 1-6, make 10 flashcards
please submit your translation by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, April 4 6:37 PM



alle Hände voll zu tun haben - be super busy
Thema Umwelt - all texts will be posted on my homepage under "G4Umwelt"
text "Einstieg" - read text, answer questions, make 15 flashcards (highlighted words)
please submit answers to the questions by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, April 4 6:36 PM



zwei linke Hände haben - to have two left hands/feet 
please watch JoJo Folge 21+22 - look up vocabulary and answer questions - please submit by 6 pm today
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, April 5 5:06 PM



jmdm freie Hand lassen -  allow sb to make all the decisions/give him full authority
assignment for Friday:
translate the rest of the "SMS" text
take the Spruch des Tages quiz posted on my homepage (just like the last one) - quiz will be posted between 9-10 am
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, March 28 3:13 PM



von der Hand in den Mund leben - barely have enough money to live
assignment for Thursday:
"SMS" text - translate rest of first page plus half of section "gegenseitiges Anschreien statt Hallo-Sagen"
Please submit your work as a google doc by 6 pm.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Wednesday, March 25 3:51 PM



etwas geht jmdm leicht von der Hand - it is easy for sb to do sth
assignment for Wednesday:
same text as yesterday - translate rest of Jessica - new text "SMS": translate first paragraph (posted on my homepage as "G4SMS")
Please submit your work as a google doc by 6 pm.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, March 28 3:12 PM



etwas liegt auf der Hand - sth is obvious/easy to see
assignment for Tuesday:
please translate text "internet shopping" (posted on my homepage as "G4internet") intro plus Mark plus half of Jessica 
Please submit your work as a google doc by 6 pm.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Wednesday, March 25 3:46 PM



etwas hat Hand und Fuß - this is solid/makes sense
assignment for Monday:
please watch JoJo Folge 17+18 - look up vocab and answer questions - take a picture and email me your work by 6 pm
take vocabulary quiz on Conjuguemos - you need to create an account first - teacher code is zkdywl - sign up for the AP class section - your quiz will be called "G4Technology" and you will be able to access it under the tab "my quizzes" in the top left corner of your screen - I will create sentences that are missing a word from your vocab list - let me know if you have any issues/questions about conjuguemos
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, March 28 3:12 PM



da kräht kein Hahn nach - that is totally irrelevant/unimportant
study vocabulary flashcards/highlighted words from last week - there will be a quiz on Monday - it will be posted between 9-10 am - please submit your answers by 10 am on Monday
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, March 22 5:16 PM



etwas hat einen Haken - there is something fishy here
etwas an den Haaren herbeiziehen - this is far-fetched
Hals über Kopf - to do sth impulsively
assignment for Tuesday-Thursday:
current packet last page - write essay on the topic "Handys: Ein wunderbares elektronisches Gerät oder ein furchtbares Gefängnis?" - please incorporate information from the text and the chart in your essay - you are allowed to look up individual words/phrases but not entire sentences on google translate!!!
Please email me your essay as a google doc by 3 pm on Thursday.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, March 21 11:58 AM



jmdm Hals- und Beinbruch wünschen - to wish sb "break a leg"
assignment for Monday:
watch JoJo episode 17+18 - look up words - answer questions - since we don't know how long schools will ultimately be closed, I need you to turn in your JoJo assignments, too - please turn in last week's JoJo work today (even those students who already did) - DANKE!
Please submit a picture of your work by 6 pm.
Spruch des Tages quiz (will be posted between 9-10am) - please submit answers by 10 am.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, March 22 5:09 PM



etwas im Griff haben - to be in control of the situation
assignment for Friday:
same page as yesterday - translate paragraph "Medien" and define the nine words below that paragraph in German
study Spruch des Tages - there will be a quiz posted on Monday, March 23 
Please email me your work by 6 pm.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Wednesday, March 18 1:19 PM



Haare auf den Zähnen haben - to be grumpy or mean
assignment for Thursday:
page titled "Zukunft der Zeitung" - look up the ten highlighted words - read text and answer questions 1-6
Please email me your work by 6 pm.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Monday, March 16 12:01 PM



sich keine grauen Haare wachsen lassen - to not worry too much about something
assignment for Wednesday:
same page as yesterday - translate paragraphs "Neue Rollen" und "Kursprinzip".
Please email me your work by 6 pm.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Monday, March 16 12:01 PM



darüber ist Gras gewachsen - that is in the past
assignment for Tuesday:
current packet - page that starts with "Die Idee" - look up the 10 highlighted words - read text and answer questions 1-6
Please email your work to [email protected] by 6 pm.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Monday, March 16 12:00 PM



aus dem Gröbsten heraus sein - to have overcome the worst
assignment for Monday:
watch Jojo Folge 15 and 16 - look up vocabulary and answer questions
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, March 15 10:57 AM



Vocabulary quiz "Technik"
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Wednesday, March 11 1:30 PM



Spruch des Tages quiz
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, February 29 8:36 PM



Vocabulary quiz
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Saturday, February 22 11:05 AM



Study for Spruch des Tages quiz.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Monday, February 17 5:52 PM



Study vocabulary - quiz on Friday.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, February 9 5:39 PM



Study vocabulary - quiz on Friday.
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Sunday, February 9 5:39 PM



Study for "Spruch des Tages" quiz. The idioms are not in order!
Created by Daniela Picciotta: Monday, February 3 2:42 PM