Principal's Weekly Update #14

THANK YOU TO EVERYONE!!! - for a terrific Dedication Day. IT WAS PERFECT! We had 1100 chairs set up and we filled them all with parents, staff and students.

P.S. Jason Kaylor – you are the “BEST.” I am blessed to have you here working with students, staff and community on this “Special Day” and EVERYDAY! Thank you for the early morning, late nights and weekends!

MOVING - I am working with the construction team to get staff and students into their new classrooms ASAP. Science Classes – will stay in current rooms when we return from two week break. January 4, 2010 - All students will pick up new locators in our center quad area with room numbers and teachers for the new building.

Food Services - is working on starting food service for students January 4th in our new quad. Lunch tables will be moved to that area over the holiday break.

Bell Schedule - A new bell schedule will be in effect starting January 4, 2010. The start/end of school is the same – passing periods will go to seven minutes.

On a Personal Note – I wish all of you a great Holiday Break to be with family, friends or find that “park bench” to relax and re-energize.

Yorba Linda High School – Meeting/Activity Schedule
Week of December 14 thru December 19, 2009

Monday, December 14
PTSA Cookie Exchange
M F/S Soccer @ Magnolia 3:00 p.m. Magnolia HS
M F/S Basketball @ Ayala Tourney TBA
M So Basketball @ Millikan Tourney TBA
M JV Basketball @ Beckman Tourney TBA

Tuesday, December 15
W F/S Soccer (Red team) @ Whittier Christian 3:15 p.m. Whittier Christian HS
W F/S Soccer (Blue team) & JV @ Buena Park 3:15 p.m. Buena Park HS
W JV Basketball @ Whittier Christian 3:00 p.m. Whittier Christian HS

Wednesday, December 16
YLHS Potluck Holiday Luncheon
YLHS Boat Parade – Balboa Pavilion
Wrestling vs. El Modena 6:00 p.m. Home
M F/S & JV Soccer @ San Juan Hills 4:00 p.m. San Juan Hills HS
W JV Basketball @ Whittier Christian 6:00 p.m. Whittier Christian HS

Thursday, December 17
YLHS Band Concert – Forum Theater 7:00 p.m.
M F/S & JV Soccer @ Villa Park HS 2:30/4:00 p.m. Villa Park HS
M Freshmen Res. Basketball @ Ontario Christian TBA Ontario Christian HS
W JV Soccer @ Canyon 3:15 p.m. Canyon HS
W F/S Basketball @ Canyon 4:00 p.m. Canyon HS

Friday, December 18
W F/S (Blue team) & JV Soccer @ Villa Park 3:00 p.m. Villa Park HS
W Water Polo @ Canyon TBA Canyon HS

Saturday, December 19
M F/S Soccer @ Capo Valley Tourney TBA Capo Valley HS

Enjoy Winter Break! Have a Happy Holiday!!!