PTSA Executive Board Nominations

At this time, the Nominating Committee starts putting together a proposed slate of officers for our PTSA Executive Board for next year.

The nominating committee would like to request that you give careful consideration in volunteering to fill one of the board positions. Training is available for all of the positions and the current board members are more than willing to answer any questions that you might have.

If you are considering one of these positions please contact Denelle Kaminski at [email protected] by Friday, January 24th, 2014.
meetings, and prepares an annual financial report. Attend the monthly PTA meetings.

In your email Please include the position you are interested in and a brief description about yourself.

Elections will occur at our March General Association Meeting.
Thank you for considering these opportunities and giving of yourself and your time!

______ President – Cheerleads the PTA toward specific goals chosen by its members by coordinating the activities of all officers and committees. The President presides at all meetings of the Association and Executive Board, co-signs all payment requests and checks, reviews all correspondence, and attends all monthly PTA Council meetings.
______ Executive Vice President – Assists the President in performing a variety of tasks as needed and attend the monthly PTA meetings. Additionally, oversee the Chairs beneath him or her.
______ 1st Vice President of Programs – Oversees the Chairs responsible for the various programs such as Academic Mustang Achievement Awards, Career Day, Mustang Pride Day, Mustang U or whatever fundraiser(s) the Board decides to run each year. Attend the monthly PTA meetings.
______ 2nd Vice President of Service & Communications - Oversees the Chairs responsible for the various programs such as 8th Grade Round up, Registration, Emergency Prep, SCAC, Spring Physicals, School Website, Advocacy, Special Ed and Publicity. Attend the monthly PTA meetings.
______ 3rd Vice President of Ways & Means – Oversees the Chairs responsible for the various fundraisers, Drive 1, OC Register or whatever fundraiser the Board decides to run each year. The 3rd VP makes sure all funds are properly accounted for. Must be conscientious, detail oriented and place a premium on good service. Attend the monthly PTA meetings.
______ Treasurer – Pays the bills, reconciles the checkbook, maintains the books, prepares transaction and budget reports for the monthly board
______ Recording Secretary – Takes minutes at all board meetings, disseminates the minutes, and cosigns all payment requests. Attend the monthly PTA meetings.
______ Financial Secretary – Keeps a log of all deposits, makes the bank deposits for the Treasurer and prepares a financial report for the monthly meetings. Attend the monthly PTA meetings.
______ Auditor – Called to duty twice each year to determine the accuracy of the books and financial records and to prepare an audit report for filing.
______ Historian – Assembles and preserves the story/record of activities and achievements of the PTSA. Keeps tally of all volunteer hours. Completes a Historian Report to remit to council in the Spring.