Welcome to AP European History!

Welcome to AP European history! I am very excited about starting with you this August and no that this will be a great year. For many of you, this will be your FIRST AP class. Welcome! What you'll need to understand is that this class is unlike any other class you've taken thus far in your education career. I have zero doubt that each of you have taken difficult courses and been challenged thoroughly. This class demands constant attention, it requires you to do EXACTLY what I ask, and will push you academically in ways you have yet to encounter. There are no projects, just reading quizzes and exams. VERY, VERY little homework other than reading 2-3 days a week where you'll be held to account with random "pop" reading quizzes. We will write frequently in class, too. Each student will need to organize and complete a binder. I will post instructions over the summer with what my expectations are. Each class will have random binder checks. 
This is a great class and am so grateful to be able to be your teacher. I am here for you all the way but I have enormous expectations. It is up to each student to seek help when they need it by emailing questions, coming before school to review quizzes and tests, and to never be afraid to ask for help. It's tough! I'm here though to ensure you have a terrific experience. 
Below is the mandatory Google classroom account ID for each student. Summer HW will be posted there SOON and throughout the summer, I will post items in it which will make your life much easier. ANYTHING (other than the reading) that I put on it must be printed and added to your binder. (Unless otherwise stated)
Below is the Remind Code. text @e7bfbf
Determined, ready AP European history students will have signed up for both of these services by may 31, 2019 8am.