2015-16 AP EURO Students

Thank you for coming to AP Euro Night!  As mentioned, there are a few things that you'll need to do in order to be ready the FIRST day of school.
1. Complete ALL Summer HW/reading-You will have checked out a book by the last day of school 2015
2. Sign up for Remind.com  Text  81010   for message: @201516ape   This will add you to my text service. I will text you throughout the summer with vocab terms, subtle reminders, tips, etc. This is mandatory and paramount to success
3. Beginning in July, refer to this website for explanations of historical topics. I'll post background information and other sources
3. I will add the podcasts soon and the documentary (via youtube)
4. Have TWO separate packets (the chart with the map, etc) and the DBQ packet. The latter is for you to print out at home. If you attend the AP night, the former was available. It will be posted on this site. BOTH will need to be completed for the first day of school. 
5. Chapter Nine Reading. You've seen it before (pre test) now you can see it again! You'll have your textbook available. 
Other Notes: As mentioned at AP Night, AP European history is an incredibly difficult class. You must do everything i tell you to do. You MUST keep up with your reading. You need to take note of my texts and website additions. This is unlike any history course you have taken. That being said, it's a GREAT class and you will learn an amazing amount of information, become better writers, and be really prepared for AP US History. I ask an incredible amount from my students but each can expect me to help them throughout the way. I hope this is the class for you!