Lots Happening in Christendom!

With Luther now an outlaw (edict of Worms) things are changing pretty quickly throughout central and Northern Europe (ignore England at this point, we'll get there soon enough) Remember....why would folks in Northern Euro be more apt to challenge the ROMAN Catholic Church?----Charles V (aka 1!) is super Catholic. He is Emperor of HRE where much of this religious change is taking place. He should want to squash it. He WILL want to BUT he's tied up elsewhere. He's fighting the French (the Hapsburgs/Austrians and the FRENCH HATE each other,  this'll be a common for a long time)  He's also fitting the Muslim Turks in Eastern Europe. He'll have to make concessions (give in) to some Protestant Leaders to fight the Turks. Luther actually writes a song called "A mighty Fortress is Our God" for this battle.  All of this turmoil, all of these distractions are going to keep charles v from focusing on crushing the growing Protestant cause. Pamphlets spread. the bible is now in German. People see the CHURCH as foreign (remember, it's home is Rome) People in N and Central Europe want a less foreign domination of their religious beliefs (they are essentially DE-CENTRALIZING church authority. Church decisions and doctrine will be LOCAL NOT from Rome---huge theme)  After years of fighting, CHarels grows tired and offers a deal to the German Princes of the HRE. Each prince may determine the faith of their principality or territory. 1551 Cuius regio, emus religio---"religion of ht ruler is the religion of the state, principality) Basically, Charles accepts that he will not be able to maintain catholicism throughout the HRE and that it's spreading throughout n europe. The "German Particularism" the idea that their is NO unified German state will remain for centuries. THIS IS JUST HTE FIRST OF THE RELIGIOUS WARS OF THE ERA. 
******NEW reformers. After luther you get a Swiss guy name Uhlrich Zwingli (aka Zwingli) and the major guy who'll you'll see his influencr MUCH of this year and NEXT year is John Calvin.  While he is actually french,  he'll find his way to Geneva Switzerland (they speak french in geneva so not a big difference. THEY SPEAK GERMAN In Zuhrich swiss, though) This'll be Swiss Reformation
Like luther, zwingli said faith alone is all good for salvation. He said scripture is God's word. Catholcs do not eat meat on Friday so he and his follower ate sausages on friday. It wasn't in the Bible so why should they NOT?! A key theme to zwingli and later w Calvin deals w Icons, or relics. These are religious items that some folks have religious power or significance. It can also be beautiful art, gold decoration, incense, beautiful priestly vestments (all of these were found in Catholic masses or churches.) these reformers said "GET RID OF THESE ICONS!!!!!! They're symbols of Popery!!!!! What they do is demand and WAY more basic, plain approach to faith. Simple decorations, if any, no icons, certainly no relics. They thought this was idolatry. Other doctrinal things will happen. The catholic church believed in TRANSUBSTANTIATION where the Priets changes the bread and wine into the LITERAL body and blood of Jesus. luther said, that's wrong. He'll claim that the presence of Jesus in the bread (the eucharist) is possible because Jesus is omnipresent, everywhere. He and Zwingli will have a terrible debate about this Zwingli says communions (where the faithful take the bread) is symbolic only of christ's presence. (make sure you check this out in your text!!! This is ONE of many reasons why there is no unified Protestant faith. Another........being the concept of LOCAL control, NO centralizing authority!!!!) 
I want you to remember this.....John Calvin is FROM France. He'll be instrumental n protestant reformation in Swiss. He leaves france. While the French Monarchy and the Catholic Church do not always see eye to and France has long has a deal of independence from Rome (Gallican Church!!! and the concordat of bologna!!) they definitely do NOT want a protestant movement in their country. That's why calvin leaves. Remember****catholicism will be the faith of the Conservative order, that of the strong monarchy. Who is against the monarchy?? Who challenges the monarchy? Consider who might be willing to listen to Protestant ideas in France!!!!!