Reformation and COUNTER-Reformation

CHarles v DOES NOT Want Protestantism to spread. The threat is real. To Protestants, the arguments are real! They(many Protestants particularly in HRE) see the catholic church and the CENTRALIZED hierarchy w the Pope at the top as foreign, as foreign king. For many in the HRE to BREAK w the Church means that their lord, the prince will have more power. Also, folks had to pay $$ to support their local church. If we break from Rome, we won't have to do that and the Princes will gain more power. Power will become more LOCAL and less CENTERED in Rome. Good bye Roman Catholic Church authority!  HELLO local church control, local Princes' control. Lutehr will appeal to the Princes of the HRE to support his Lutheran effort. Many see Luther as a revolutionary. The poor are interested in his reforms too! They decide that in the spirit of reform, THEY(the poor) will challenge societies norms .To their master, the princes, this is unacceptable! Luther will condemn these "thievery murderous hordes of peasants" and call on the princes to crush them. It seems harsh, it was. However, Luther DESPERATELY needed the support of the Germanic Princes to spread his Protestant ideology. He turns his back on the poor. In German society, society has a clear set up rules. Those who governed, are to ALWAYS be obeyed. You should never question your leaders. Know your position in society. !!
----Soon other protestants states emerge. The Schmalkaldic League is created as a military organization to protect protestant states from the army's of Charles V. 
==COUNTER-Reformation......The Church will COUNTER the reforms of the Protetsant Churches. Mass will still be said in latin, 7 sacraments, transubstantiation, etc. INSPIRE the faithful, to give a sense of AWE and WONDERMENT the Catholic church will set about to create BEAUTIFUL, awe inspiring churches. Not only churches, but art work too. Music too!! The art will tell the biblical stories to those who are illiterate; most were in Catholic countries. The Northern, Protestant nations will still promote education. Mom's should learn to read so their kids can read the Bible. The Baroque art of the COUNTER reformation will be a tool used by the Church to make their members feel that THEY are part of something GREAT. Something magnificent. Something grande. Of course, followers of Calvin (england, france, netherlands, etc) would HATE this type of art, churches. Not only was it OVER THE TOP in it's grandiosity but it was also Popish! The point of church is to worship God;NOT to be filled w a sense of awe over material stuff. 
It becomes clear to Charles V that the religious wars in the HRE are not winnable. He issues the Peace of Augsburg. He'll then retire to a monastery. His brother is elected HRE emperor. His son, PHILLIP 2 becomes KING OF SPAIN! He is SUPER Catholic. He'll marry Mary Tudor. She dies. for him it's "oh well." Spain's empire is vast, huge. The americas as well as the netherlands, the "low countries." They will rebel against their foreign, Catholic king (remember, Calvinism will spread to the netherlands." The Queen of Englad, Elizabeth i hates catholicism and fears that if the Low Countries are NOT successful in their rebellion, the Phillip will send his grand navy (his Armada) to invade, and re catholicize England. She helps. She wins.