On page 427 you'll see something relating to the Navigation Acts. These acts or "laws" will be laws pertaining to mercantilism. Remember mercantilism???It's the ECONOMICS of ABSOLUTISM. Colonies exist to feed the mother country They feed the mother country w gold, silver, raw materials, agriculture, etc. THEN the Mother country sells it. The colonies, due to the Navigation Act, are NOT allowed to trade w anyone other than the mother country. This is mercantilism.'s the economics of conservatism; ABSOLUTISM--kings. (We'll see people get annoyed by this soon. They like FREE trade:)) The New MEGALOMANIC King of France Louis XIV(HATES, HATES,HATES!!Nobles. End the Edict of Nantes and is the epitome of Absolutism) will promise to give King cHarles $$ if he converts to Catholicism and will assist him if Parliament attacks him. Charles cannot do this right away but to show good ol' Louis that they're pals, he'll issue the Declaration of Indulgences which ends religious discrimination against Catholics and other protestants. In response...The Parliament will issue the Test Act. This requires ALL people working for the Crown to say Transubstantiation is fake. NO Catholic would ever say this. ------Charles dies without a legitimate heir. His bro, James was a fool. He'll be the new king and will do EVERYTHING to antagonize the Parliament. His Dad started a civil war when he did this. James was attacking, using his power as King, to attack the most powerful people in England. This is the era of Louis XIV in France, who i said epitomized the idea of Absolutism. (BTW>>>>when i say absolutism..i mean the system of govt. where A KING has ABSOLUTE power over the state, over religion, over economics, over everything. We'll talk about enlightened absolutism soon which is a bit different) 
Extra Credit. The first three people to respond will get THREE extra credit points. Explain why Parliament saw it as MANDATORY to invite William and Mary to take over the throne. What did Parliament see happening? What experience had they encountered w an out of control king who sought to have absolute power. Also.....Explain why #Englandisdifferent means!! Do this ,get three assessment extra. Thisll be up til 9pm