**Absolutism REALLY begins to emerge with the stewardship of the Cardinal Richelieu. This guy was interested STRENGHTENING the power of the monarchy. He'll work for Louis 13(XIII) Louis the 13th will listen to Richelieu and begin to suppress the Huegenot's throughout France. Richelieu saw the Protestatns as great threats to the centralizing efforts of both him and the monarchy. They, the huegenots, were protestant. They were noble. They owned land, castles, lived behind castle walls/city walls(remember my poster!?) Louis will unleash Richelieu to crush the huegenots. One particular stronghold, St Rochelle (the poster) will be crushed. They'll destroy ALL castles, castle wall, and NO ONE other than the king may maintain an army. The king will maintain a STANDING ARMY! Richeliue and Louis will both die. They'll both have successors, though. Cardinal Mazzarin, an Italian, will guide the young Louis the xiv. It's not much later when the nobility will see an opportunity to attack the young king, the Fronde will convince Louis XIV that the nobility should not be trusted. 
Two types of nobility are now happening in France by mid 17th century. You got the OLD nobility, who claim their title from the OLD days, the Medieval Era where the nobility were feudal lords. They were the nobility of the Sword. They actually had the RIGHT to carry swords around and to court. The other group of nobility will be those that are incredibly wealthy; the nobility of the ROBE! They'll buy their titles from the king. Owe their status to the king an be "loyal" to the king. BACK TO THE FRONDE!! This will convince a young louis that he needs to get OUT of Paris. He'll have Versailles built on the outskirts of paris. This palace is MOREthan just a palace. It's a symbol of loiuis TOTAL control over society. Court life, political life, social life, everything was directed from here. It'll be the PERFECT place to keep "your friends close, and you enemies closer." He'll have the nobility live here. It'll be such an effective tool (or home court advantage!) that other Absolute monarchs will follow suit. Peter the Great will build St. Petersburg. Frederick the Great will build San Souci outside of Berlin. Its the ultimate symbol of absolutism. 
Economics! The economic system of absolutism/conservative/monarchy is MERCANTILISM! The acquisition of bullion or other resources for the benefit of the state. It's Pro monopoly. Pro unions/guild, pro colonialism, ANTI-Free trade. The architect of this is Jean Baptiste Colbert. Colbert believe that all wealth should serve the STATE!!! He'll use much of the wealth created to help build roads, canals, charge HUGE tariffs(tax on IMPORTED GOODS!!) bridges, stuff to facilitate and improve trade and business and therefor make $$ for france! Louis also made $$ by selling titles (nobility of the robe.) and military positions It created $$ and LOYALTY!! absolutism!!!! Control! taxation....ONLY the poor get taxed. The nobility do NOT. It's a good idea. The nobles, who'll always annoy a king don't get taxed and in return they have to squash the peasants when they act up. This will create loads of resentment. 
Religion. While Richelieu already struck out against the huegenots' it'll be louis xiv who ENDS the edict of nantes and end religious "tolerance" in France. Edict of Fontanbleu BANS protestantism. 
War. The man LOVED it. The apex of it comes with the war of spanish succession. The spanish king, charle 2 cannot have children so will have no heirs. Louis claims it for his grandson. Charles LEAVES it to him! War breaks out. The League of Augsburg was created to create a "balance of power" to restrict Loius. The war is incredibly lONG and costly. Really, it'll help (along with louis lavish lifestyle) bankrupt France. The war was fought in europe and NORTH america colonies. (called queen annes war there) "I have loved war too much" he said on his deathbed. Ultimately, the war ends in a draw. Louis' grandson get's to be the FIRSt Bourbon king of spain BUT has to renounce for himself and his children EVER laying claim to the throne of france. In return, Loius has to give up tons of colonial land in north america.