Anti Semitism

We've discussed in length the ideas of anti-semitism, it's meaning, it roots, and how it will be endemic in throughout Europe(this is counting obviously Russia which is where we'll take things.)  Remember, Russia was VERY late to the ideas of reform, modernity, liberalism. By the turn of the 20th century, the little bits of reform implemented Czar Alexander II will fall prey to reactionaries. (remember, he's murdered by anarchists. His son "3" will be a total jerk a total reactionary.) When he expires, his son Nicholas who is totally stupid, lazy, incapable of the job(and the last Czar ironically) continues reactionary policies. That being said, liberal ideas will still try and take root in Russia. To combat this liberalism, friends of the czar will create a forged book called the Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It is TOTALLY fake, totally. However, its contents warn of a Jewish plot to overthrow govts and dominate the world. (again, it was a forgery from something decaes earlier warning of Napoleon III-don't worry about this.) Regardless, due to it's anti semitism, due to the decades earlier Jewish Emancipation laws, and the equating w liberalism w being "jewish" intellectual idea, the book gains popularity in backward, reactionary Russia. When the Czar is done, the book will find it's way to growing Fascist Italy and to the West in general. Adolf Hitler loves the book. So does American auto giant Henry Ford who commission 500,000 copies to b emade in the USA. **It will be taught in German schools after the Nazi's take over in 1933 EVEN though it was proven to be a fake. It does terrible damage and only promotes anti-semitism and the the conspiracy of a Jewish plot to rule the world. Reactionaries, anti-liberals, anti- semites love it.