The idea of CENTRALIZED government is that a king or a leader(or a government) will be the CENTRAL authority of that country. Examples of this would be the Pope in the Catholic Church. NO MATTER where you in the world (today, too) the Pope is the unchallenged leader. Kings, especially dudes we'll call the NEW MONARCHs, will seek to CENTRALIZE their authority.  When we talk about the Holy Roman Empire (HRE) we'll see that it's HUGE. However, it's SUPER DOOPER DE-CENTRALIZED. Yeah, they have an emperor BUT he holds little power. THE HRE is broken up into over 300 different states, principalities, margravates, etc with their own leaders. Yeah, they recognize the Emperor, but they pretty much do their own thing. Throughout the year we'll see kings assert their authority. Then we'll see govtss assert their authority into the CENTER of their country. Efforts to challenge CENTRALIZATION will occur throughout our year. When you think about De-CENTRALIZED govt, think "LOCAL" government. Think the State of California V. that of the Federal govt in Washington dc. 
Urban centers, "BIG CITIES!" will emerge first in "italy." Why? See your notes but remember "geography is destiny." The dark ages was feudal, a terrific example of decentralized authority. The creation of the big urban centers will put POWER in the hands the growing merchant class, the business dudes. The OLD Rich (traditional feudal lords) will be jealous. The NEW Rich will demand respect. They represent the future. 
The thinkers, the scholars and rock stars of the Early Renaissance were focused on learning about how those dudes in Antiquity thought. Medieval art was ONLY religious. Renaissance art will be considered "Pagan" by conservative folks who believed in tradition. Soon, however, the Pope will embrace the idea of the Renaissance. Live for today! Enjoy life! To many people, primarily in Northern Europe, these EARTHLY pursuits and VICE will be seen as not only sinful, but bad. They'll soon challenge the authority of the Catholic Church---IN THE NORTH!! The Italian Renaissance goes and celebrates ALL THING GRECO-ROMAN! Let's enjoy life! However, debauchery and vice will become all too frequent. 
A REAL HUMANIST studies the HUMANITIES!! Also, can you USE your knowledge. THEY HATE tradition, the QUESTION things. During the Middle Ages (medieval, dark ages) focused on tradition. A humanist would QUESTION WHY!!!? They'll look directly at literature to understand things rather than rely on what some one tells them. Virtue, wisdom. These are cool things---stuff a humanist strove for. Let's be WELL ROUNDED, not one dimensional! Contemporary example.....You guys all take history, foreign language, literature, science, math, maybe band, maybe sports, maybe for theatre, maybe art. You're WELL rounded. You don't just come to school to take AP EURO.
How did Lorenzo Valla's study of language serve him and the cause of humanism? Did it embarrass the Catholic Church? How? How might later enemies of the Catholic Church use what he PROVED(by the way, he was a VERY loyal Catholic) to attack the AUTHORITY of the Catholic Church?? 2 Extra Credit Points to the the 5 BEST responses received by 5pm. I'll award points TOMORROW. Remember, the BEST. NOT THE FIRST!!!