HRE, Catholicism, Reformation

When we talk about the themes of "DE-centralized authority" vs. "Centralized Authority" we need to put it into context of where Europe was during the middle ages. During that time, you guys all know, power was dominated by the nobility- or AT BEST, shared with a king. The nobility ALWAYS have (we'll see this continue) to be threats to a king. The king had little power at that time anyway. The concept of CENTRALIZED govt means that power is CENTERED in one place, with the king. The nobility get squashed OR at best, will be kept CLOSE by the king. Examples of centralized authority would definitely be Spain, France, and we could (i would) easily argue that the Catholic Church, w the Pope at the head of an international church, could be defined as a centralized authority. The New Monarchs represented this NEW, centralized power. In contrast, the Germanic states of the HRE are PERFECTLY examples of a DE-Centralized govt. Sure, they got the emperor but he plays a VERY SMALL role in the day to day of the over 300 germanic states of the HRE. 7 electors elect the Emperor who is basically ALWAYS a member of the Hapsburg Family. Hapsburg are from Austria. Austria AND the Hapsburgs are super catholic. Southern Europe will remain super catholic. Think! How will the Hapsburgs relate to Spain?>>???????
Let's think back to the beginning and those who challenged the authority of th catholic church. Geographcially, where were they from in euro? Why did they dislike the Papacy? Challenges to the Pope's authority(his CENTRALIZED authority) will begin in NOrhtern Europe. It's a place that began to challenge the papacy(remember!? Erasmus wrote satires about pope julius!) The REFORMation is an attempt by Northern Europeans to REFORM the Catholic CHurhc. It'll be led by brilliant Catholic Priest, Martin Luther. Luther will warn the Pope he is being misled. The Pope is raising money for something beautifully grand in Rome.(how does he raise money? What do those items promise a purchaser? DO you think Luther and other Northern Europeans will like what the Pope is selling? WHY or WHY NOT!!!!?) What you'll ULTIMATELY get in the north of europe is the exact of opposite of what you have in the Catholic South of Europe. Things'll become more local. Local people (by "local" i mean folks who aren't ALL the way away in Rome) will have a voice. Challenges to Church doctrine will put the north and south at war. Those who question the Church(in spain and in the the Netherlands----they controlled it) will face the Inquisition. The Church relies on it's interpretation of the bible. TRADITION!!!!! The Church is our first example(as are some of these new monarchs) of CONSERVATIVISM!!!! Ignore what you know what "liberal" and "conservative"" Totally different. 

Ultimately, Reformation will change how people view their faith, HOW they practice it AND HOW THEY VIEW GOVERNMENT. Local or far away??!