**Germanic Ideas of Obeying Authority--ALSO RESIST!!!

LUTHER! The dude was a rebel. He challenged the Catholic Church, he told the Pope he was bad, he stood up to the most powerful man in Eruope, Charles V/AKA Charles I. He used his understanding of the Bible to recognize that the Church MUST reform, it was corrupt and decadent. However......WHEN his movement began to spread throughout "Germany" (THE HRE) he became concerned. Luther called for the German Princes to challenged the authority of the Pope in Rome, essentially create a "German Church." Breakaway from that foreign authority, that "roman" authority. Many of Luther's followers liked what he was saying...including the peasantry. The Peasants will REVOLT against their lords causing mass chaos and destruction .THey believed that Lutehr's "revolt" against Rome was a universal effort to overthrow oppressive leaders, lords, etc. Luther, however was FURIOUS!! He wrote an article CONDEMNING the peasants called "On the Murderous Thieving Hordes" saying that it was the duty of the peasants to OBEY!!!! You have God and on earth you have your lords, your leaders. OBEY THEM. This is God's command. To challenge this system is to challenge God. The "freedom" luther taught focused on freeing oneself of sin by speaking to God directly,NOT changing society!!!! Luther will call for German princes to SQUASH to peasants; the do. 
*****Protestant Resistance Theory!!!!!!!************
JOhn Calvin HATED kings. He hated centralized authority. He believed, that people were to obey LEGALLY made governments. BUT! He believed int was the duty of local leaders, to CHALLENGE higher authorities who were tyrannical and squashed people's rights----in particular, his followers right to practice Calvinism. In France, Calvinism is growing amongst the nobility. The French monarchy during the 16th century (1500's) is in disarray mid century. Catherine De Medici(YES! Another Medici!) Is queen of france. Her husband is dead, she'll have sons who one by one will become king and die. She is TOUGH. She is RUTHLESS. SHE WIL SQUASH ANYONE who challenged her boy's right to rule. She will punish those who practice Calvinism.