Great ANSWER!BH2Also, TOP Down V Bottom up!

Colbert was an advocate for mercantilism or CONTROLLED trade. He believed that the economics of the state should not involve free trade. ALL tariffs, trade, and exports are meant to enrich the state itself and are CONTROLLED by the government. Colbert believed in monopolizing on resources and giving certain businesses MONOPOLIES in certain fields. He stresses self-sufficiency and limited imports but many exports. All of these ideas are clearly shown throughout France. Adam Smith believed that the mercantile system must be abolished and that the individual desire for success will cause economic growth. Smith saw resources as boundless compared to Colbert's restricted view of resources. Smith's idea of free trade and limited government is portrayed in the term Laissez Faire which stresses limited government in economics. In Smith's view, competition of free trade would drive CAPITALISM as people competed to be more successful and make more money than their opponents. Smith's view was more EGALITARIAN with free trade, a key belief of ENLIGHTENED thinkers. In short, he believed free trade = competition = capitalism= more successful and more money. Basically, Colbert believed economics should directly support the state so therefore the state should control all trade. Smith believed the free trade would encourage people to work harder for their own motives and this would bring money into the state and those people will support new sciences and methods to CAPITALIZE and further bring money into the state.
**Enlightened despotism was top down because the Enlightened Monarchs received advice from folks like the philosophes. From there, the made decisions (from the top) to better their country, to make their people's lives better. A BOTTOM up reform movement would come FROM THE PEOPLE!. We'll see this. Revolution is near.