France 1793

The Wars of the Revolution agains conservative Prussia, Austria, Spain and England(NOT conservative but nonetheless and enemy of France) will cause economic chaos in france. The country survives by borrowing and issuing bonds (IOU's to the people) to raise money. This cause inflation, meaning the value of money is NOT what you'd think it is. Bread prices go through the roof and those who are least likely to be capable of hadling the give and take of free market capitalism and the shifting value of BREAD are going to be hurting; the poor, the peasantry, the working class, sans coulotte, etc. This is where the Jacobins will play a major role. At this point, the Jacobins and their Committee of Public Safety step in to SQUASH those that would horde or manipulate goods; especially bread. They'll create a Law of the Maximum which decrees that there is a maximum value on bread. This way, folks can more likely afford it .This government intervention on the price of bread is the OPPOSITE of what Adam Smith and the 'invisible hand" believed, supported. However, people were starving. It'll attack shop keepers who are hoarding bread, farmers NOT bringing it to market despite the fact they can't make $$ on it. You'll be seen as counterrevolutionary if you do this and you'll be executed. IT was a success arguably in the fact it allowed price controls that helped people who were poor afford bread. "Bread will not be priced above...." It will ALSO be seen as a major tool of the Reign of Terror.