
NOstalgia? A longing for the past? For many, this was the case. The world of the enlightenment brought change very quickly and unleashed the French rev THEN the napoloeonic wars. For some, it was like "thanks, but NO thanks." For folks (volk) is "Germany" the war united them against a common enemy, Napoleon. The idea of a national spirit, or "volkgeist" emerges in "Germany." This same idea of a national spirit will emerge in "Italy" too. Remember, the USA is older than both germany and italy; the latter two are relatively new. Their culture however, is very old. The rationalism of the Enlightenment AND the Revolution in France AND the attempt to spread it was too much for some. These "rational" or scientific based on ideas on the world believed that certain laws could be applied to all and that ALL would accept them; many, especially in "germany" did not accept this. **In "germany" a return to a traditional lifestyle that came before Nap and his wars/reforms was better. Something familiar, something easier. Nationalism in France was rooted in creating a NATION based on the principles SELF GOVERNMENT and NO king. Both seek to "Unite the people" We'll see elements of Romanticism and nationalism be BOTH Rightwing AND Leftwing. Remember, change focuses on the left. The Status quo, the RIGHT.