Eliot, Dan » Mr. Eliot's Homepage

Mr. Eliot's Homepage

Hello to the Mustang families, welcome to the 2023-2024 school year!

My name is Mr. Eliot, I teach AP Computer Science AAP Computer Science Principles, Intro to Mobile Game Development, and Advanced Mobile Game Development.  I am also the YLHS technology representative, and webmaster for http://www.ylhs.org/.

My website  is here --> https://MrEliot.com/

** If you are looking for the course calendar, handouts, assignments and such, you will find all of this information at (requires student login):  http://courses.MrEliot.com/

** Grades and attendance information for my classes can be found at the PYLUSD Aeries parent portal (requires parent/student login):  https://portal.pylusd.org/LoginParent.aspx

That's about it.  You can always email me deliot *at* pylusd.org with any other questions :-)