Buchan, Kelly » 2022-23 School Year

2022-23 School Year

Welcome Mustangs!

This is my nineteenth year as a social studies teacher and year fourteen as a Mustang. Previously, I spent five great years at Bernardo Yorba Middle School.

This year I will be teaching world and AP European history. Also, I will be the coach of our Academic Decathlon team.

Parents AND Students! Please sign up for my text service through Remind.com I will send texts with historical information that can be beneficial. See website for information. Additionally, all students need to sign up for google classroom. I'll post many things w/in it that you will be responsible for. Glad to have you and I'm very excited to be with you for the year!
Be sure that you monitor google classroom.  
El Dorado High School 1997
UCSB 2001




the pdf will give directions on how to access/join remind.com  It's easy and will be helpful throughout the year. It can be accessed as an APP, too.  Remember, it's one of your first grades of the year!

Individualism PRE Renaissance

Good AP Euro students will download this and exam in it. As we start the year, we will look at the GROWING importance of the INDIVIDUAL. The importance of the INDIVIDUAL in the Renaissance will be seen in art, politics, writing, as well as religion. 

Language in WESTERN Europe

The western european languages are essentially all derived from the common language of Latin. As the centuries went on, languages in France, Italy, Spain, Germany, and England would all evolve into specific languages, or "vernacular." Often, they'll look similar or sound similar. This is because the ALL evolved from Latin. Latin is the language of the Classical Era. It was the language of scholarship. It was the official language of the Roman Catholic church. In fact, ALL Catholic masses were said in Latin 'til the Second Vatican Council meeting in the 1960s! The bible was written in Latin. Basically, ALL books were written in latin. Again, it was the language of scholarship. However, folks will set out to write books in their OWN native tongue, language. One man who will do this is Dante Alghieri in epic poem the Divine Comedy. Dante writes the poem in his Tuscan (Tuscany is a region of italian, basically Florence) language/accent. This Tuscan vernacular will set the stage for the whole of the Italian language. As our course moves on, we'll see German and English scholars wanting to translate the Bible from Latin to THEIR OWN language. Think about this. If you could NOT understand Latin (basically no one could) how would you know what was being said in Mass? ("Mass" is how Roman Catholics refer to attending church services.) You would just have to rely on the Church and have faith. Certain German and English scholars will work to TRANSLATE the Bible into their own language so as to allow their people to understand the Bible. This will initially have TWO effects. A. It'll be scene as a THREAT by the Roman Catholic Church and, B. It will help facilitate NATIONALISM  The FIRST two people to explain A. and B. to me will receive TWO ASSESSMENT POINTS!! IF you have already received points, you'll only be entitle to ONE. This will be up for today only!!
********I want you guys to understand how LANGUAGE unites people(s) throughout the WHOLE year!

Changes, PRE-Renaissance

By the start of our class, most Northern and western European AND Spain would establish the borders that would make them a nation state; except the Germanic States which were part of the Holy Roman Empire (hundreds of TINY little states w/ princes who headed them) For the most part they all spoke german, shared german tradtions, culture, etc. However, they were NOT part of a united Germany. The HRE (holy roman empire) is a loose alliance of germanic states headed by the Holy Roman Emperor. To be sure, a cool title but w little to NO power. The HRE is SUPER DOOPER DE-centralized whereas states like France and Spain and now england were SUPER DOOPER centralized. These states (countries) will be the home of the "New Monarchs" that we'll discuss. Italy is like the German states. Each "italian" state is independent from the next. Many are dominated by the HRE and the Pope control vast amounts of land and is essential the KING of the Papal (being "Pope") states. 
Basically, the diet of most people(who were peasants) was "rooted" in agriculture. The peasants had no meat, that was for their Feudal lord. Fruits, nope. Cabbage and peas? Maybe. Grain for bread. Yes. Bread is the staple of most people's diet. In fact, in England and Northern Europe, BREWERS will cultivate grain and  make beer. Beer is SUPER high in calories. Think "beer belly." However, if you're hungry, the calories from it might do what for you? 
Peasants who worked the land of their feudal lord (feudalism, remember 7th grade!) owed a certain amount of crops to their feudal lords. SOMETIMES a peasant might be able to purchase their freedom. Some lords were happy to oblige because then these newly freed peasants COULD PAY TAXES!!!! A serf could not be taxed because they had no value, were like animals. (in their treatment) Whereas a peasant might have some change in their pocket. 
The Black Death changes so much. It basically ends the idea of feudalism (accept in regard to the Church---a feudalism will continue to exist there) The poor could now get better jobs, could demand better wages and some might be able to join Guilds (they're like unions) as skilled Artisans. Feudal lord would try and reimpose their power but the poor, the working class would resist. We'll see this until May. A great example of this is the Jacquerie. 
New inventions brought changed society.  Gun powder, the long bow would negate the need or the value of armed cavalry (armored dudes on horses)  The Printing Press would bring change? Think about WHY? So would the compass? WHY!? 
I don't wxpect a response to the questions i've posed. However, i expect all serious/successful AP European history students to think about them. I will post more information tomorrow or Thursday. This is a critical thinking class! VERY LITTLE MEMORIZATION. Good arguments, good analysis, determined/coachable writers are ALL welcome!  
Also, think about Humanism again. If you're bored go to google and type humanism painting. You'll see paintings and sculptures. See if you can figure out what they have in common! Remember this pattern.....Greco-Roman, Dark Ages, Rebirth (Renaissance---a return to the ideas of the Greco Roman period.)

Response/Answer to Prompt

FIRST OFF! The concept of "humanism" is NOT anti religious at all. What you see with the beginning of the renaissance (the rebirth, rebirth of Classical{greco-roman} ideas) is the value of the human spirit, it's creative capabilities, the glory that man can do, a rational being. The Middle Ages started w the fall of Rome. Rome, and before that Greece, epitomized the concepts of humanism. Think of the great statues and busts of figures. The FIRST thing you'll notice that contrasts the two paintings is the INDIVIDUAL for the renaissance portrait. It's a single dude, a 16th century "selfie." The concept of individualism, individual value that contrasted w the church's teaching oft he middle ages of man as a worthless, sinful creature only worthy of hell. The church can save you from your miserable experience. The church did not encourage folks to cultivate their own personal expression because this life was not important. The NEXT one was! So....behave and forget about this life, the next one (Heaven) is way better.  The color schemes are quite different, too. The Medieval painting utilizes two dimension painting and has very BRIGHT colors. The Ren painting utilizes new colors and news styles of shading and PERSPECTIVE!!!!!! Go back and look at the faces of the different paintings, the colors, and depth. you'll see the renaissance one is FAR superior. Again, the Renaissance and humanism is NOT anti-religious. It's looks at celebrating life. Celebrating humanity. Celebrating today. For example, we'll cover two Renaissance period that happen concurrently(well...pretty much) The Northern Ren, which is up in the netherlands is SUPER religious whereas the Italian Ren is all about celebrating man. 
-----Usury is the process of charging interest to a loan. The term anti-semitism will be one that you're either familiar w now or will be. The Jewish people emigrated to europe following the diaspora(think 6th grade) They were seen as very different by europeans. For one, the Church had for centuries officially blamed the Jews for the death of Jesus. Other superstitious nonsense blamed the Jews for causing the Black Death. In many cases, Jews were unable to have certain jobs and were forced to live in specific neighborhoods. (we'll see this throughout the school year in our studies.) The Catholic church saw the concept of Usury as sinful. Many times, Jewish merchants charged interest. This led to more anti semitism. However.....many italian bankers saw this as a great way to make money. So, Italian bankers---the most notable being the Medici Family (we'll see them a ton!!) began to charge interest.They'll grow rich. Folks who have extra money like to have nice things. Saw, the wealthily began to hire artist to create works for them. Many artists were influenced by the CLASSICAL ideas that returned to europe following the fall of Constantinople. So, artists could become PROFESSIONAL artist. Their job was to create. Practcie makes perfect, that coupled w lost techniques now returned following fall of Constan..Basically, people competed w one another or the best stuff. "oh...you had so and so paint you that? Ok...we'll get this other person to do it...." Basically, you have "....a mercedes!! Ok, well i'm getting a tesla. Oh....you have a tesla? Well, i guess i gotta get a lambo." that kind of idea. We'll speak on this heavily when school starts. I would review this. While it won't be on yur first day of school test, it'll be a headstart to our course of study. GOOD LUCK! I will have the calendar up for the first month in like ten days. PLEASE let me know if you need help. There are no short cuts. 

Art-Questions, Extra Credit?

HUGE Contrasts in the art of the Middle Ages and that of the Renaissance. Exam the two pieces of art. How are they different? Which is more advanced and why might that be? Also, think of what the term "humanism" is, means. How does the second piece reflect that concept (of humanism) more than the Medieval one? (the art is added as an attachment)
Usury--What does this term mean? Explain why it was seen as sinful in the Medieval Era. WHY will it become "ok" pre-renaissance and then into the Renaissance. HOW will it help enrich Italian(remember though, Italy as a country does NOT exist. They are broken into individual states) bankers? HOW will these wealthy Italian bankers help ignite the Renaissance? 
********** The first four people to give me WELL THOUGHT OUT, NON internet responses that show careful reasoning, thought, and examination will receive TWO assessments points. 

All Done!

Extra credit has been given. If i emailed you then you got it. Keep your eyes posted for me. If you received points today, you can respond but i cannot give you the points

Extra Credit!!!

two points-assessment points to to the first THREE responders.
a. How might the Renaissance, the "rebirth" of classical(greco-roman) ideas, threaten the old order of the Medieval era? Including the role of the Catholic Church? How does the term/idea of "humanism" challenge the established beliefs of the medieval era? 
b. How did the Black Death effect the lives of workers? The poor? 
Only detailed, well thought out, responses will receive consideration. Email response to [email protected] 

The NEW AP European History Redesign Test!

So you are the first class to take the new, redesigned test. College Board met and created a new version of the test. Of course the history remains but HOW we will learn and WHAT you will be expected to understand will change. First off: I have never been a fan of memorizing. I don't like flashcards as method of studying. Memorizing keeps one from analysis and understand common relationships within the themes of our course. THE NEW TEST BREAKDOWN IS AS FOLLOWS
Section I:
Part A: Multiple Choice  55 questions  55 Minutes   40% of test. You'll see TONS of primary and secondary resources, pictures, illustrations, etc which will ask you to connect, analyze, synthesize, and think critically. 
Part B: Short Answer    4 questions           50 minutes        20% of test
Section II
Part A: Document Based Question (DBQ)   I question  25%   55 minutes which includes 15 minute reading period
Part B: Long Essay Question (LEQ)    1 question, chosen from TWO  35 minutes  15%
****The 100 years was devastated France. It was fought all throughout the countryside. It decimated the nobility and would strengthen the king. Weak nobles coupled with a newly strong king leads to a STRONG, CENTRALIZED government and authority. Their is ONE boss. Not lots of nobles telling the king what to do. For England, the king becomes far more powerful. England becomes a relative power, capable of seeking MORE power. 
*****The Great Schism---Made the Catholic Church look really bad. Were these Popes (who essentially ruled as Medieval Lords or kings) their to guide the people to heaven or to control the people? Reformers will ask these questions. 
******The Black Death killed millions of people. It will, however, turn into something good for the millions of poor, jobless, or otherwise poorly paid. Supply and demand.
*****(Not really part or our class but WORLD CHANGING) The Fall of Constantinople (1453)to the Ottomans Turks. Constantinople was ALL that was left of the old roman empire. Much of the learning and knowledge of the classical era (greece, rome=Greco-Roman) was kept their. To save it, it was sent to the powerful shipping city state known as Venice. These Classical (you could see it referred to as "antiquity") Era items would be INVALUABLE to lifting Western Europe, stuck in the Middle Ages/Dark Ages into the modern era. The Greeks and Romans knew so much!! Art, literature, architecture, medicine, observation. The Western Europeans were really dirty, ignorant, superstitious, barbarians. 
*******Johann Guttenberg invented the printing press in 1440(The Chinese had their own hundreds of years previous). Before the printing press, books cost a fortune. A wealthy family MIGHT own one book. Typically that book would be the Bible. 
Extra Credit??? Stay tuned. It won't be worth much. They WILL be assessment points, though. 

More Tips-Look!

-the long bow will transform warfare. No, a trained soldier is as lethal as trained knight on horseback, more so. (I would recognize why the Battle of Crecy was so important)
-Guilds--They are sort of like a union. You have to be a master to be eligible to join. The guild only selects the BEST to join. Only members of a guild, an ARTISAN, may make a specific good. Example: goldsmith, coopers(they make barrels), shoemaker, blacksmith, etc. Because artisans chose who could join a guild, they could dictate what prices were since only a select number of folks could join and create. 
Pope Boniface VIII will issue the Unam Sanctam. This Papal (from the Pope) Bull (decree) declares that the ONLY way to salvation was through the Catholic Church. Here is why is this is so important. The Medieval Era, Pre Renaissance is AWFUL. Life is short. Life is hard. The promise of a better life to come, Heaven, was what got people through their miserable existence. Being that the Catholic Church was really the only Christian denomination (certainly in Westetrn Europe where the bulk of our class is) and the Pope was the head of it, the Pope wielded almost infinite power; essentially, the keys to paradise. this is a powerful weapon to control the poor and to convince their leaders to obey. Some will challenge the pope. See if you can figure out who Jan Huss and John Wycliff were. Why were they so important? 

A Bit of help

FIRST!!! Do the Black Death (the plague) the 100 Years War and the Great (western) Schism intermingle chronologically? You'll need to see if they do. How might they effect one another? BTW....the "Great Schism" on google will likely show up as the "East-West" schism. THAT is not the one in which we are about. That solidified the catholic church being the ROMAN catholic church in the west whereas Easterners (greeks, byzantines, etc) would follow Orthodox. DON"T WORRY ABOUT THAT ONE!!! We care about the schism in the west where you'll have not ONE but TWO Popes. One who will be backed by the Italians (although italy does not yet exist) and one who will be back by an ever strengthening French Crown based in Avignon. This will expose lots of corruption with the church. Does the Church hold the keys to heaven or is it strictly a political organization consumed by power?  These questions will be asked by many!  
The 100 years war is super important. After your first test on the first day of school you will NEVER see it again. However, like all of the wars we'll cover we don't care much about the battles or generals we care about the politics, social consequences, and economic questions. In 7th grade you guys learned about feudalism. Its a political system where one king or often times a LORD is at the top. Below him is a vassal a swear an oath of fealty. Below him, a knight, so on and so on. the lords and knights own land and will require the peasants to fight as well. Long story boring, significance of 100 years is MODERN military equipment like the long bow, gun powder will be utilized which will devastate the lords and aristocrats who would have fought on horseback, or cavalry. Peasants now had a chance. This war will strengthen the standing of the king of england as well as unite the french. Both countries enjoy the birth of "nationalism." Nationhood. We are ENGLISH! Or we are not from Aquitane, we're from France! Our king is awesome! Our country is awesome! What will emerge AFTER The 100 years war will be kings working to CENTRALIZE their power. TAKE power away from lords who'd been super powerful during the middle ages and the age of feudalism. In order for kings to have TOTAL power they'll have to utilize what are known as STANDING ARMIES!! Professional, full time armies. Not some lord and his peasants with axes or pitchforks but guys w long bow, pikes, etc who fight for a living. 
******THESE ARE my responses. They may guide you in understanding. You cannot copy this. However, the idea of the long box is pretty omnipresent throughout your text. I'll give you some more help not he schism later. I want you guys to look at black death, the Plague. If you need ANY help. ASK!!!!! THIS STUFF is really hard and it's cool to ask for help. 

DBQ stuff---JULY, Instructions, advice

You'll need to handwrite ALL dbq responses. Basically, NOTHING is typed in this class; it's all handwritten. I am not asking you to write a dbq, the dbq process is changing with the new version of the test for 2015-16. However, identifying and analyzing documents should stay the same. That is what you'll be doing. you'll be answering the question posed AFTER the sample DBQ. You'll need to read the sample very carefully. Then answer the questions after them. Well thought out ,reasoned responses are the only way you'll get credit. Just "doing" it to be done will result in a zero. This class will entail LOTS of work. If you're going to "wing it" you won't last in the class. You need to be proactive and always read the instructions carefully. I will help you with content and structure but only you can follow through with the instructions. 
******As mentioned previously, your first day of school will goes as follows. Turn in homework. Late will not be accepted. Then you will take a geography test based on the map you were given in summer packet. Then you will take a Multiple choice test based on the Chapter 9 reading, Medici Documentary, and Plague Documentary (which includes information on Plague, 100 Years War, Great Schism)  I will continue to send texts to help and i will update my website. However, the work and preparation is to be done by you!!
I am glad that some of you are getting started!! I'm am very concerned that some are still adding to remind.com. This was to have been done over a month ago and those who are only now signing up(unless they are new to YLHS) are already down five points. That being said, you MUST take this class seriously. Assessments (pop reading quizzes, quizzes(MC and writing) and tests make up 75% of your total grade. HW will not save you. There are no projects. Extra credit is basically non existent first semester. If you don't do the reading and follow up with me about content stuff you do not understand you won't be able to hang. I just want to be up front! It's a great class and you'll learn so much!! You will grow as a student and a writer while getting a taste of an AP Class. Many of you are considering taking FIVE AP's your junior year. You only have one MAYBE two this year. Work hard!!!!!!
Stay tuned.