Buchan, Kelly » 2022-23 School Year

2022-23 School Year

Welcome Mustangs!

This is my nineteenth year as a social studies teacher and year fourteen as a Mustang. Previously, I spent five great years at Bernardo Yorba Middle School.

This year I will be teaching world and AP European history. Also, I will be the coach of our Academic Decathlon team.

Parents AND Students! Please sign up for my text service through Remind.com I will send texts with historical information that can be beneficial. See website for information. Additionally, all students need to sign up for google classroom. I'll post many things w/in it that you will be responsible for. Glad to have you and I'm very excited to be with you for the year!
Be sure that you monitor google classroom.  
El Dorado High School 1997
UCSB 2001




On page 427 you'll see something relating to the Navigation Acts. These acts or "laws" will be laws pertaining to mercantilism. Remember mercantilism???It's the ECONOMICS of ABSOLUTISM. Colonies exist to feed the mother country They feed the mother country w gold, silver, raw materials, agriculture, etc. THEN the Mother country sells it. The colonies, due to the Navigation Act, are NOT allowed to trade w anyone other than the mother country. This is mercantilism. Again...it's the economics of conservatism; ABSOLUTISM--kings. (We'll see people get annoyed by this soon. They like FREE trade:)) The New MEGALOMANIC King of France Louis XIV(HATES, HATES,HATES!!Nobles. End the Edict of Nantes and is the epitome of Absolutism) will promise to give King cHarles $$ if he converts to Catholicism and will assist him if Parliament attacks him. Charles cannot do this right away but to show good ol' Louis that they're pals, he'll issue the Declaration of Indulgences which ends religious discrimination against Catholics and other protestants. In response...The Parliament will issue the Test Act. This requires ALL people working for the Crown to say Transubstantiation is fake. NO Catholic would ever say this. ------Charles dies without a legitimate heir. His bro, James was a fool. He'll be the new king and will do EVERYTHING to antagonize the Parliament. His Dad started a civil war when he did this. James was attacking, using his power as King, to attack the most powerful people in England. This is the era of Louis XIV in France, who i said epitomized the idea of Absolutism. (BTW>>>>when i say absolutism..i mean the system of govt. where A KING has ABSOLUTE power over the state, over religion, over economics, over everything. We'll talk about enlightened absolutism soon which is a bit different) 
Extra Credit. The first three people to respond will get THREE extra credit points. Explain why Parliament saw it as MANDATORY to invite William and Mary to take over the throne. What did Parliament see happening? What experience had they encountered w an out of control king who sought to have absolute power. Also.....Explain why #Englandisdifferent means!! Do this ,get three assessment extra. Thisll be up til 9pm

"My Birds Have Flown" King Charles I

AGAIN......it all get's down to power. Who will control England? Is it is a constitutional country or an absolute monarchy? Does the European interpretation of Divine right of kings and their absolutism come to Enlgand? If the Purtians have a say "NO!!!"  Puritans like cromwell HATE the idea of centralized monarchy. The bishops, who are representatives of the king, instruct the faithful throughout enlgand how to pray, what to pray from ,etc. Puritans are furious. They're "Puritan" because they want to "purify" the catholic church of all Catholicism. NOW.....the king(charles I) who is MARRIED to a french girl who is super catholic, embraces many of the ideas of catholicism. He also thought Arminians (NOT armenian) thought was good. It believed "free will!" Man could choose if he were to be saved....this was wrong according to Puritans who believed in the idea of the "Elect," pre-destination.  That's just ONE of the problems. The Stuart Line is never really trusted. They came from Scotland which didn't really have a constitutional system. So, A. you have issues pertaining to religion in England....B. THEN ....you ave issues relating to King Charles demanding more $ via revenue. Of course he cannot issues taxes, only parliament can. However, he can issue decrees, expand Ship Money(force coastal town to pay $ to support a navy to protect the coast. He'll expand the definition of the "the coast" to generate more $$) he'll sell Titles, he'll sell lands. He's not  a good king. The puritans see him as ungodly. So...to get more money(cuz war will break out w Scotland, he'll need parliament to give him money) The war happens because Charles demanded the Scots(who he is ALSO king of) conform, follow the Church of England teachings. They wanted a single prayer book for both england and scotland .To the scottish Calvinists they went crazy!!! Some KING from ENGLAND telling "us how to worship!!! We determine how we worship God. No Pope and CERTAINLY NO KING will tell us what to believe, how to worship!!!)  The Scots rebel. The Scots win at 1st. Charles now TOTALLY needs $. "Hey parliament, let's meet." The Long Parliament meets. (Long cuz it met for essentially 20 years in a row) Parliament will further weaken the king, get rid of star chamber, end Ship Money. Also, the King MUST call Parliament everything 3 years and no just when he feels like it. The parliament is going to be all divided between Puritans ( both and extreme and moderate) were fighting over religion. King Charles saw a chance to act. He sent his soldiers to arrest those in parliament who'd opposed him. They'd already left, hearing he was coming. He was there, humiliated. "It appears my birds have flown away." The king has defied, ATTACKED the parliament...essentialyl his people. CIVIL War. Royal supporters of Charles known as "Cavaliers." Parliamentarians known as "Roundheads," they were the puritans. They hated the king thought parliament was for the people.   Eventually leading the Parliamentarian army will be Oliver Cromwell. His "New Model Army" is LEGIT!!!! Not like the kings army of well born sons given high rank, or well born men begin officers, the New Model Army was MERIT based. You're good---you're promoted. You stink at leading men, you're done." Charles is in real trouble. 

English CIVIL WAR!

Why?> Elizabeth leaves no heirs. the next in line is her cousin James from Scotland, who is ALSO KING of scotland.(His mom was mary queen of scots who Elizabeth executed!) Elizabeth's death end the Tudor Dynasty. ENGLAND has had a parliamentary system that makes laws. The king/queen has some power but not a ton. they cannot tax w/out parliaments consent. When James takes over he'll be the first of the STUART Line. In Scotland they had NO real form of constitutionalism, the king had lots of power. He'll come to england, become king, BUT he's (nor is is son!) too big of a fan of parliamentarianism. James is an advocate of the concept of divine right of kings. GOD see's to it that certain men are made monarch over others. It's a VERY controversial topic in England especially w the expansion of Puritanism. Remember, the Puritans are English Calvinists who want to "Purify" the church of england of ALL Popery, Catholicism! So what James will do is this: take ovre for elizabeth, sponsor the translation of the bible into English; it'll be the King James Bible, promote Divine Right of Kings---HATING on parliamentarianism (which his son Charles will push further and MAYBE....WITH HIS CATHOLIC WIFE support Catholicism in Enlgand???!!! who knows?) He' be known as the "wisest fool in christendom." 
----Ok....so this idea of divine right is going to be a problem. When James dies his son Charles takes over. His wife is french and we all know that France is super catholic. He'll embrace much of the ritual, dress, ornamentation, ceremony of catholicism. His wife remains devoutly catholic. Although he'll remain catholic, his belief in the church of enland is very similar to catholicism. These things; divine right, church of england, intimidation of puritans, weakening parliament and THEN!!! taxing will upset many throughout england. Those Puritans hate the idea of divine monarchy, hate centralized govt, and hate all things "Popish" (catholic, and even church of england) will strike against the king. There beilif is that if a ruler is Un-Godly, then he can be removed, overthrown. Their leader will be a puritan dude....a VERY religious, pius warlike dude named OLIVER CROMWELL!!!!

Reformation and COUNTER-Reformation

CHarles v DOES NOT Want Protestantism to spread. The threat is real. To Protestants, the arguments are real! They(many Protestants particularly in HRE) see the catholic church and the CENTRALIZED hierarchy w the Pope at the top as foreign, as foreign king. For many in the HRE to BREAK w the Church means that their lord, the prince will have more power. Also, folks had to pay $$ to support their local church. If we break from Rome, we won't have to do that and the Princes will gain more power. Power will become more LOCAL and less CENTERED in Rome. Good bye Roman Catholic Church authority!  HELLO local church control, local Princes' control. Lutehr will appeal to the Princes of the HRE to support his Lutheran effort. Many see Luther as a revolutionary. The poor are interested in his reforms too! They decide that in the spirit of reform, THEY(the poor) will challenge societies norms .To their master, the princes, this is unacceptable! Luther will condemn these "thievery murderous hordes of peasants" and call on the princes to crush them. It seems harsh, it was. However, Luther DESPERATELY needed the support of the Germanic Princes to spread his Protestant ideology. He turns his back on the poor. In German society, society has a clear set up rules. Those who governed, are to ALWAYS be obeyed. You should never question your leaders. Know your position in society. !!
----Soon other protestants states emerge. The Schmalkaldic League is created as a military organization to protect protestant states from the army's of Charles V. 
==COUNTER-Reformation......The Church will COUNTER the reforms of the Protetsant Churches. Mass will still be said in latin, 7 sacraments, transubstantiation, etc. But.......to INSPIRE the faithful, to give a sense of AWE and WONDERMENT the Catholic church will set about to create BEAUTIFUL, awe inspiring churches. Not only churches, but art work too. Music too!! The art will tell the biblical stories to those who are illiterate; most were in Catholic countries. The Northern, Protestant nations will still promote education. Mom's should learn to read so their kids can read the Bible. The Baroque art of the COUNTER reformation will be a tool used by the Church to make their members feel that THEY are part of something GREAT. Something magnificent. Something grande. Of course, followers of Calvin (england, france, netherlands, etc) would HATE this type of art, churches. Not only was it OVER THE TOP in it's grandiosity but it was also Popish! The point of church is to worship God;NOT to be filled w a sense of awe over material stuff. 
It becomes clear to Charles V that the religious wars in the HRE are not winnable. He issues the Peace of Augsburg. He'll then retire to a monastery. His brother is elected HRE emperor. His son, PHILLIP 2 becomes KING OF SPAIN! He is SUPER Catholic. He'll marry Mary Tudor. She dies. for him it's "oh well." Spain's empire is vast, huge. The americas as well as the netherlands, the "low countries." They will rebel against their foreign, Catholic king (remember, Calvinism will spread to the netherlands." The Queen of Englad, Elizabeth i hates catholicism and fears that if the Low Countries are NOT successful in their rebellion, the Phillip will send his grand navy (his Armada) to invade, and re catholicize England. She helps. She wins. 


we'll see that folks' that follow the christian denomination of Calvinism(Puritans in England, Huegenots in France, Reformed Church in the Netherlands, and Presbyterians in Scotland) will not only hate catholicism but they will hate strong centralized govt. They'll will equate this strong centralized authority with tyranny. ONE group, one leader who claims DIVINE RIGHT FROM GOD to rule is WRONG. They (the calvinists) will challenge this CONSERVATIVE sort of government with one king for the entire country, it's one voice, it's "loyalty" to Rome, it's "Papist Ceremony" icons, tradition. Calvinist believe in local control o of things. They believe in strict religious belief and a plain, yet strict social life. 
Extra Credit!!!! The first two people to respond get three assessment points. Good 'til Saturday at 2PM. Who was jean bodin? What were  his theories? How will these theories about the monarchy take us in to the next unit? Explain how they will challenge calvinist ideas and strengthen the authority of a king. TWOPOINTS!!!


I'm attaching a graphic organizer that is completed with different example, beliefs of the Protestants Sects. I know you did one but this will help and should be adde to you binder

Lots Happening in Christendom!

With Luther now an outlaw (edict of Worms) things are changing pretty quickly throughout central and Northern Europe (ignore England at this point, we'll get there soon enough) Remember....why would folks in Northern Euro be more apt to challenge the ROMAN Catholic Church?----Charles V (aka 1!) is super Catholic. He is Emperor of HRE where much of this religious change is taking place. He should want to squash it. He WILL want to BUT he's tied up elsewhere. He's fighting the French (the Hapsburgs/Austrians and the FRENCH HATE each other,  this'll be a common for a long time)  He's also fitting the Muslim Turks in Eastern Europe. He'll have to make concessions (give in) to some Protestant Leaders to fight the Turks. Luther actually writes a song called "A mighty Fortress is Our God" for this battle.  All of this turmoil, all of these distractions are going to keep charles v from focusing on crushing the growing Protestant cause. Pamphlets spread. the bible is now in German. People see the CHURCH as foreign (remember, it's home is Rome) People in N and Central Europe want a less foreign domination of their religious beliefs (they are essentially DE-CENTRALIZING church authority. Church decisions and doctrine will be LOCAL NOT from Rome---huge theme)  After years of fighting, CHarels grows tired and offers a deal to the German Princes of the HRE. Each prince may determine the faith of their principality or territory. 1551 Cuius regio, emus religio---"religion of ht ruler is the religion of the state, principality) Basically, Charles accepts that he will not be able to maintain catholicism throughout the HRE and that it's spreading throughout n europe. The "German Particularism" the idea that their is NO unified German state will remain for centuries. THIS IS JUST HTE FIRST OF THE RELIGIOUS WARS OF THE ERA. 
******NEW reformers. After luther you get a Swiss guy name Uhlrich Zwingli (aka Zwingli) and the major guy who'll you'll see his influencr MUCH of this year and NEXT year is John Calvin.  While he is actually french,  he'll find his way to Geneva Switzerland (they speak french in geneva so not a big difference. THEY SPEAK GERMAN In Zuhrich swiss, though) This'll be Swiss Reformation
Like luther, zwingli said faith alone is all good for salvation. He said scripture is God's word. Catholcs do not eat meat on Friday so he and his follower ate sausages on friday. It wasn't in the Bible so why should they NOT?! A key theme to zwingli and later w Calvin deals w Icons, or relics. These are religious items that some folks have religious power or significance. It can also be beautiful art, gold decoration, incense, beautiful priestly vestments (all of these were found in Catholic masses or churches.) these reformers said "GET RID OF THESE ICONS!!!!!! They're symbols of Popery!!!!! What they do is demand and WAY more basic, plain approach to faith. Simple decorations, if any, no icons, certainly no relics. They thought this was idolatry. Other doctrinal things will happen. The catholic church believed in TRANSUBSTANTIATION where the Priets changes the bread and wine into the LITERAL body and blood of Jesus. luther said, that's wrong. He'll claim that the presence of Jesus in the bread (the eucharist) is possible because Jesus is omnipresent, everywhere. He and Zwingli will have a terrible debate about this Zwingli says communions (where the faithful take the bread) is symbolic only of christ's presence. (make sure you check this out in your text!!! This is ONE of many reasons why there is no unified Protestant faith. Another........being the concept of LOCAL control, NO centralizing authority!!!!) 
I want you to remember this.....John Calvin is FROM France. He'll be instrumental n protestant reformation in Swiss. He leaves france. While the French Monarchy and the Catholic Church do not always see eye to and France has long has a deal of independence from Rome (Gallican Church!!! and the concordat of bologna!!) they definitely do NOT want a protestant movement in their country. That's why calvin leaves. Remember****catholicism will be the faith of the Conservative order, that of the strong monarchy. Who is against the monarchy?? Who challenges the monarchy? Consider who might be willing to listen to Protestant ideas in France!!!!!