Buchan, Kelly » 2022-23 School Year

2022-23 School Year

Welcome Mustangs!

This is my nineteenth year as a social studies teacher and year fourteen as a Mustang. Previously, I spent five great years at Bernardo Yorba Middle School.

This year I will be teaching world and AP European history. Also, I will be the coach of our Academic Decathlon team.

Parents AND Students! Please sign up for my text service through Remind.com I will send texts with historical information that can be beneficial. See website for information. Additionally, all students need to sign up for google classroom. I'll post many things w/in it that you will be responsible for. Glad to have you and I'm very excited to be with you for the year!
Be sure that you monitor google classroom.  
El Dorado High School 1997
UCSB 2001



Euro-Protestant Denominations Chart

You'll find attached the different denominations or sects of the growing Protestant faith. The Protestants(they are "protesting" the Church) break with Rome, the Church. The problems have been mounting for decades. Reasons?: Papal corruption, the growth of nationalism (this will be key in many regards due to the growing theme of the CENTRALIZED authority of the Church. Many folks will want a more LOCAL church that they can relate to.) the sale of indulgences, Northern Renaissance dedication to learning the Bible. The Church will not be happy with this split. The HRE, essentially Germany and Austria will be the scene of HORRIBLE religious wars. Protestants in the North Catholics in the South (primarily in what is today AUSTRIA!) Religious wars throughout Europe will break out over the issue of religion. 
********DONT FORGET TO READ!!!!!!!

some great responses!!

extra credit is now closed. Lots of good respones. i gave a few more points that i would have liked to or typically done. I need you guys to recognize HOW IMPORTANT the Northern Renaissance and it's devotion to Christian humanism and the return to the original tenets of christianity. If it's NOT in the Bible, it's not important. The arguments by folks (our next unit) who will PROTEST the Church is that the Papacy is corrupt, TOO embracing of secularism, acts as a centralized monarchy, forces euro states to send $$ to fund it, and it corrupt. These PROTESTANTS will be focused primarily in Northern Europe and then England. NONE in "italy" Some will "try" in France. (Think ahead.....the king of France is a SUPER devout Roman Catholic. He is a strong "new monarch." Which group that we've spoken about MIGHT decide to follow the new Protestant faith in France??!!) And Spain.........well, the Inquisition will CRUSH any threat to Catholicism. 

Euro--Extra Credit

The first Two correct responses will receive TWO  extra assessment points for their test. "Explain why the Italian City States that were the center of the renaissance and economic growth of the 14th and 15th century will further fall in to decline after the portuguese successfully sail south of Africa to Asia." AND----thinking ahead WHY would the Catholic Church and Spain see it is as a priority to send Catholic missionaries to the western hemisphere??!(The americas) GO  This is available 'til 9pm or until i get two correct responses

$$Euro! TIPS! $$$$$$$$$$$

MERCANTILISM!!! The economic policy that will be utilized by STRONG centralized governments. These governments are often identified as being "new monarchy's", "colonial powers" and "conservative." What we get w the concept of mercantilism relates to trade. Goods, resources, products from the colonies MAY NOT be traded or sold before they are sent back to the mother country. The goal for mercantilism is to enrich the Mother Country. The mother country may then decide if they want to sell the goods or resources to ANOTHER country. The concepts implies that resources are limited. That accumulation of resources(often times GOLD and SILVER called Bullionism) will help the Mother country survive. NEVER export GOLD or silver to another country. The mother country needs it!! (Bullionism)
************Long story boring, the economic policy of Mercantilism is the OPPOSITE of free trade. Their are restrictions to whom countries can trade to or there are what are known as "tariffs." our country first. We don't care about other countries. Any of them. 
As we move on this years we will introduce what are known as "classical liberal" ideas. Many of these will refer to economics, trade.  ONE********example of the elimination of TARIFFS and the beginning of what we will call FREE TRADE(countries can trade w whomever they wish w no tariffs. It will lower prices which is GOOD!!! It may seem bad but the cheaper something is the more folks' who will be able to buy it!) is the Hanseatic League!----These league was made of of Germanic States in the WAY up North of Europe. Remember, there is NO Germany. This league will eliminate tariffs between each state. This is good! It'll lower costs of things. It will also be the first step in people in the germanic states identifying with a "Germany" MIGHT be! 
Review----Mercantilism, trade is restricted. Feed the mother country. Hanseatic League-----an example of FREE TRADE AND****"German Unity" 

columbian exchange

the ancient wisdom was that the earth was flat. Columbus proving that this was false would cause folks to begin to further question perceived truths; to question disprovable facts. However, Columbus' "encountering" of a whole new (two) continents and it's peoples would forever change both "worlds." The Columbian Exchange was an EXCHANGE of goods, animals, resources, IDEAS, religion, disease and people. It would lead to an enormous spanish empire int he americas that would last in to the 19th century. It'll eventually lead the French and British to colonize(primarily n. america) The effects of the columbian exchange, in particular european diseases would kill tens of millions natives. The Spanish conquistadors (conquerors) and the business people back in europe whom they represented were horrified by what they saw. Not the death of millions of natives but the lost work force of slaves. This will prompt FIRST the portuguese (who colonize brazil) to import slaves from Africa. Spain follows suit, then England, then france. 
The likes of great humanists, compassionate priest like Barolomeo de Las Casas is horrified by what he sees. He is thrilled w the opportunity to convert the millions of native peoples to roman catholicism. The Spanish crown is happy to see this as the MOST Catholic of the euro countries. Accordingly (spoiler alert) Europe will break out in to HORRIBLE religious wars between the catholics and those that wish to reform, then PROTEST it's authority and then ultimately lead the church. These "Protestants" (Martin Luther, Zwinglis, JOHN CALIVIN) will essentially turn all of n. europe including northern HRE and later England into a NON CATHOLIC region. The Catholic church sees the loss of millions of souls to PROTESTantism as dreadful. However, they are made to feel better for two reason. In France, the king(s) will CRUSH any opposition to the Catholic faith AND Catholic missionaries from Spain will convert Native peoples in the western hemisphere(the n, S americas) to Roman Catholicism. Spain's legacy prevails. Roman Catholisim and the Spanish language are the two most dominate religious faiths and language of the western hemisphere south of the USA. 
TWO GROUPS OF SPANIARDS IN THE AMERICAS! The Creoles. They are of spanish blood who are born in the Americas. Penninsulares. They are Spaniards born raised in Spain and given title, land, authority in the Americas. They are given this by the spanish king. Peninsulares and Creoles will grow to hate one another. The Creoles are the locals, basically, The Peninsulare are the people w the kings ear who come in and boss creoles around. 

euro tips--Centralized V. De-Centralized authority

pre 1450 (our class) we are still finishing the Dark Ages. During this time, you had WEAK kings and no real strong nations. After 1450, you have monarchs gain more and more power. 100 years war give national conscience to france AND england. Both countries unite around being their nationality. They'll also unite around having a king. However..........one group will not be happy about this. The nobility. The nobility HATE. HATe.HATE the idea of a strong central govt; a KING who controls the whole country. THEY WILL CHALLENGE their KING THROUGHOUT THE WHOLE YEAR!!!! In england, the Tudors will rule. In France, the Valois, in Spain the unification of the country behind the Aragon and Castille houses. These monarchs will create strong central govs. They can tax, they can raise standing armies (a permanent, professional army) The kings will grow to hate the nobility, too. They will do whatever they can to punish and neutralize the nobility. 

Socratic Seminar

You will be grouped with other students and given ONE topic/prompt. You'll need to review it and be ready to respond to my questions and well as interact in a thoughtful meaningful dialogue with your colleagues. Participation parts are given. Follow the directions and you will get points. 


Nation=state=YOUR/a country!  There are many things that help create the concept of what a "nation"is. A specific, defined territory. Culture. Religion. Shared past/ stories/ LANGUAGE.  We will we see the concept of NATIONALISM every unit (basically) for the rest of the of year. Again, sharing a culture, religion are huge. What i would say is the first example of a nation or PEOPLE identifying w NATIONALISM is language. Remember, stuff written pre renaissance is going to almost alway be written language, the language of culture. (of that time.) As education and writing becomes more common in the renaissance folks will begin to write in their own native language. For example, the Italian, Dante Alghieri wrote is Poem the Divine Comedy in his Tuscan dialect. It'll set the stage for the italian language; pride! In our next unit, we'll see religious reformer demand that the Catholic church print bibles in the vernacular of the people, NOT in latin. Also, mass in catholic churches is spoken in latin only--till like 1961! Anyway, these folks who will PROTEST the Catholic Church and wish to REFORM it will soon write the Bible in their native language. German (Martin Luther) and English (William Tyndale) Once people start to read the Bible, they will understand what's going on it it. They will recognize the hypocrisy of the Renaissance Era Popes (alexander, julius, leo(a medici), adrian, and clement (another Medici!!)  Many will call for these leaders to LEAD in the manner the Bible prescribes. Many, including devoutly catholic Erasmus of Rotterdam criticize the Church (see in Praise of Folly)  The newer, NORTHERN Renaissance is WAY more religious than Italian one. Religious reformers will emerge throughout the HRE (basically what'll be germany someday), Switzerland, and England. They will grow tired of the CENTRALIZED authority of the Pope in Rome. They'll want to worship God the way the feel is best, not the way the Pope thousands of miles away orders. Guys.....the theme of Centralized authority (think STRONG kings, nation state, new monarch) v DE-CENTRALIZED authority (now, think HRE, and the religious themes of the PROTESTant REFORMERS) will become increasingly important. At the heart of it......"keep things local." Nationalism is tied to this. We'll see it the whole year. It's powerful, uniting, and potentially dangerous. 

Euro-Extra Credit?----NOW AN ANSWER

****Below the prompt, you'll see an excerpt of a really fine answer one of your colleagues gave. It flowed, gave terminology, showed an understanding of the terminology and recognized connections. Pay close attention to the term "secular." Also, it is clear that the renaissance is NOT anti-religious. It shows the new Renaissance Popes (beginning w Pope Alexander Borgia) as dudes who loved life (well...art, partying, eating, indulging in vice, etc. Lovers of life!)
The first two students who successfully explain for me WHY Girolamo Savonarola stood in contrast to the ideas of the Renaissance will receive ONE extra assessment point! I need terms, explanation and proper reasoning. Think about where he was. What he stood for. THINK about the era. This will be available 'til 615pm. GO
"In the late 15th century, things were finally becoming good again. With the spread of humanism, the good times from the greco-roman were revived creating the renaissance. With the [GROWTH} of humanism, everything wasn't seen as temporary anymore; people took pride in their work and strove to test their limits as a human being. Even the popes were embracing this new way of seeing life and were prospering as patrons of the arts. However, not everyone believed that this "new way of life" was good or even acceptable. Girolamo Savonrola was the literal embodiment of anti-renaissance. He was extremely religious, and, although that wasn't what made him anti-renaissance, it was the source of his hate. Everything that didn't glorify God was considered a.....{heretical}; a challenge towards God. Secular, in his eyes, was just another synonym for anti-religious. Which was not the case at all as many of the secular paintings weren't made to challenge God or even made to show that humans are above God, most were just made to say "Hey, this life may be temporary, but that doesn't mean I can't be happy right now and do great things." Savonrola could simply not understand or accept this way of thinking and it only got worse when he came to power. After he came to power in florence, not only was a puppet of the french, he also oversaw theocracy. This was bad news for renaissance italy, as the separation of church and state is one of the biggest elements that gave birth to the renaissance. As he holds a book burning of all things he deems pagan, many great works of art are lost, especially many of the great works of knowledge and culture are lost forever
GOOD ANSWER! This is how i'd like responses.  Below....are some tips from me to help you. 
So Pope Alexander {a member of the Spanish Borgia family and a really big party animal. His daughter poisoned her husband and his son Cesare{some have said it was Cesare's self portrait that would later be used as the model face of what people believed Jesus Christ looked like)was a cardinal turned war monger!} has Savanarola burned as a heretic. Renaissance and learning continue. Unfortunately for Florence, it'll move.It moves to the South to Rome (Cinquecento) There, the Catholic Church is desperately trying to fix it's image (think Chapter Nine) The new Renaissance popes, two of whom will be Medici Boys! embrace the art, humanism, Joie de vivre(joy of life!) of the renaissance. "We have the Papacy, let us enjoy it!!!!"--Pope Leo X, a medici. This will be the era of Machiavelli. This is the era where FRANCE to the North will become powerful. They will also become "the First Daughter of the Roman Catholic Church." You'll want to take a look at something called the Concordat De Bologna. IT IS HUGE in understanding France.****** While the Pope and the Catholic church wield all power in christianity, France will make a deal giving IT SUBSTANTIAL(the King of France) power in Catholic affairs in France. Please recognize that France is SUPER Catholic. Spain, too but we're speaking of France now.

Euro Reading!!! UPDATE!!!

ADD pages 330(include Michaelangelo and Pope Julius II (he's known as the Warrior Pope and kind of a jerk)to page 333 for Thursday Sept 10th reading. Move Wed Sept 16th's reading to MONDAY September 14th. THIS IS AN OFFICIAL CHANGE TO THE CALENDAR. Be ready!  ****future note The Italian renaissance is humanistic, secular and celebrates man. (it'll end in 1527 w the Sack of Rome) The Northern Renaissance is VERY religious BUT used the techniques of research, reason, and critical thinking to stir up discontent!!!

Euro-Background, help, CONNECT!

Review (from 6th and 7th) You have the Greeks. They'll create democracy in Europe and embrace the ideas of human value, worth. Then Greece comes to an end and then you'll see emerge in the SAME Mediterranean world Rome. Rome started as a republic. Embraced architecture, art, rhetoric(debate, persuasion) human value,culture. Of course this too comes crashing down. Rome JUST GOT TOO BIG (think 7th grade) The Emperor Constantine will create a new roman capitol which he'll call Constantinople in the east, modern day Istanbul. "Rome" the capitol of the older empire will continually fall into disrepair. I think someone in period 3 mentioned that it is finally done in by Vandals, barbarians in the 5th century. THIS leads to the Dark Ages/Medieval World. There is no ROME to tell the empire what to do. Things become VERY decentralized. Big cities, like rome, give way to feudal land holdings that are controlled by lords. Knowledge, skill from the Greco Roman era fades away---it's not gone but it fades away. In fact, Catholic Monasteries will be incredibly helpful in maintaing Classical manuscripts, writings, etc. In constantinople, things are good.  The belief in the greatness of main, "humanism" will emerge w  again w Petrarch in the 14th Century. These HUMANISTS will love rhetoric (old debates on govt, life, human dignity) rome architecture, greco roman culture. These cities are in ruins and constantly they're digging up old stuff that show, "WOW!! Look at the detail of this sculpture!! We can't do that!!" Things will begin to change The view that this life is only a "waiting room" for the next will be challenge by many. Secularism will emerge. 
***********Clergy, Clerical, Clerics refer to Catholic priest or Catholic religious figures. 
******Although "Italy" does not exist, many of these "Italians" will recognize they share similar culture, traditions, of the old world. They have greatness in common. They'll also become rich due to "Italy" location to trade. Its urban centers are going to be reminiscent of the old Greco-Roman days. Large cities were cultural and business centers. It's no coincidence why these urban centers will be the springboard for change. 
****Scholasticism V.  Humanism!!!!!! The former was a way to understand the world utilized heavily by the end of the middle ages. It was a way to marry church teachings with the ideas of Aristotle, considered the smartest dude who ever lived. Granted, he' been dead for almost two thousand years. Humanists thought this "scholasticism" was OLD. They thought it medieval. They thought that it failed to take into account new ideas, it relied on religious debates and used religion to help explain the world. The humanists said, NO! we want answers! WE want debate!!! Let's think CRITICALLY! Let's study language! (philology---Hey! Valla studied ancient latin and realized the Donation of Constantine was a fraud!! --The Latin used in it was from the 9th century, NOT the 5th!! so there is no way the Church could accurately claim title to land they said Emperor Constantine and left them----it was a fraud!!---You'll see this later by reformers to challenge the Catholic Church-KNOWLEDGE IS POWER!They thought this classical writers were just awesome. Humanists believed focused on teaching the "Art of the living." 
-----Humanists thought the individual GREAT. Art of the renaissance will promote the individual. The self portrait, the secular art, the patronage of artists. Stuff like AUTOBIOGRAPHY will begin to happen---Remember, "you're important!" MORE TOMORROW!!!!