Volunteers Opportunities
PTSA Volunteer Opportunities
Calling all YLHS Mustang parents & community members to join our award-winning PTSA team!
Interested in volunteering for more than one event, have a little additional time to dedicate to your child’s school; how about a Board position? Please feel free to contact our president and she can answer any questions you may have. We’d love to have you join the fantastic YLHS Mustangs PTSA Team! Available Positions on our PTSA! Come Join the fun!
Would You Like To Be More Involved In The PTSA?
Our PTSA is always striving to provide the best for our students. We love welcoming new members and seeing new faces on our committees. We have some amazing opportunities for involvement! Attached is a breakdown of the positions that you may find helpful. Feel free to look it over and then sign up where you feel comfortable. http://toolkit.capta.org/job-descriptions/additional-officerschairmen/

Your name, phone number, and email address will be given to the people responsible for these areas;