Buchan, Kelly » 2022-23 School Year

2022-23 School Year

Welcome Mustangs!

This is my nineteenth year as a social studies teacher and year fourteen as a Mustang. Previously, I spent five great years at Bernardo Yorba Middle School.

This year I will be teaching world and AP European history. Also, I will be the coach of our Academic Decathlon team.

Parents AND Students! Please sign up for my text service through Remind.com I will send texts with historical information that can be beneficial. See website for information. Additionally, all students need to sign up for google classroom. I'll post many things w/in it that you will be responsible for. Glad to have you and I'm very excited to be with you for the year!
Be sure that you monitor google classroom.  
El Dorado High School 1997
UCSB 2001



France 1793

The Wars of the Revolution agains conservative Prussia, Austria, Spain and England(NOT conservative but nonetheless and enemy of France) will cause economic chaos in france. The country survives by borrowing and issuing bonds (IOU's to the people) to raise money. This cause inflation, meaning the value of money is NOT what you'd think it is. Bread prices go through the roof and those who are least likely to be capable of hadling the give and take of free market capitalism and the shifting value of BREAD are going to be hurting; the poor, the peasantry, the working class, sans coulotte, etc. This is where the Jacobins will play a major role. At this point, the Jacobins and their Committee of Public Safety step in to SQUASH those that would horde or manipulate goods; especially bread. They'll create a Law of the Maximum which decrees that there is a maximum value on bread. This way, folks can more likely afford it .This government intervention on the price of bread is the OPPOSITE of what Adam Smith and the 'invisible hand" believed, supported. However, people were starving. It'll attack shop keepers who are hoarding bread, farmers NOT bringing it to market despite the fact they can't make $$ on it. You'll be seen as counterrevolutionary if you do this and you'll be executed. IT was a success arguably in the fact it allowed price controls that helped people who were poor afford bread. "Bread will not be priced above...." It will ALSO be seen as a major tool of the Reign of Terror. 

"Meet the NEW Boss-Same as the OLD Boss"The Wh0


Essentially what happens is that the National Assembly and THEN the Nat. Constituent Assembly(once summer of '89 kicks in) will replace the power and authority of the the nobility class w. that of the landed class, wealth, education. --Again, the French Rev is a POLITICAL Rev. The 19th Century will see Revs. based on SOCIAL demands. At this point though, that new class...the BOURGEOISIE had gained class consciousness and wanted POWER!  The Age of Enlightenment! Freedom! Be what YOU can be! Believe, work, speak whatever you believe! ----Indecisive as ever...Louis xvi delayed ratifying (making into law) the Dec of the Rights of Man. People grew suspicious. "Is this dude w us or not?" Remember '88 and'89 and seen a terrible harvest. Bread was OUT of control. People were going hungry. (note on the free market...the free market, Adam Smith laissez faire....would say let the MARKET determine the value of bread. The MARKET had a HUGE demand for it. SO costs SKYROCKETED!!) The poor and the San Coulotte were really hurting. It'll be the Sans Coulotte who urge the new govt to issue a "Law of Maximum." This would put a limit on the cost of bread; the GOVT would. This was obviously unpopular to the new govt. Women, MOMS were furious(Oct '89). The famous Fish Monger women of the Markets were big tough women who used knives to carve up fish to be sold. They embarked on the first JOURNEE (revolutionary march somewhere) to Versailles demand the king do something! They storm into versailles, kill the kings guards, WANT to kill Marie Antoinette, kill her guards. they eventually settle w taking the king and his family back to Paris. "we are taking the baker, the bakers wife and the bakers apprentice (the Prince) back to Paris!!" The King was referred to the baker because they women, working class, poor women were NOT part of the bourgeoisie. They relied on their govt to help them. What they find infuriates them. The king had been HOARDING GRAIN!!! TONS of grain for he and Versailles! 

Essentially what happens is that the National Assembly and THEN the Nat. Constituent Assembly(once summer of '89 kicks in) will replace the power and authority of the the nobility class w. that of the landed class, wealth, education. --Again, the French Rev is a POLITICAL Rev. The 19th Century will see Revs. based on SOCIAL demands. At this point though, that new class...the BOURGEOISIE had gained class consciousness and wanted POWER!  The Age of Enlightenment! Freedom! Be what YOU can be! Believe, work, speak whatever you believe! ----Indecisive as ever...Louis xvi delayed ratifying (making into law) the Dec of the Rights of Man. People grew suspicious. "Is this dude w us or not?" Remember '88 and'89 and seen a terrible harvest. Bread was OUT of control. People were going hungry. (note on the free market...the free market, Adam Smith laissez faire....would say let the MARKET determine the value of bread. The MARKET had a HUGE demand for it. SO costs SKYROCKETED!!) The poor and the San Coulotte were really hurting. It'll be the Sans Coulotte who urge the new govt to issue a "Law of Maximum." This would put a limit on the cost of bread; the GOVT would. This was obviously unpopular to the new govt. Women, MOMS were furious(Oct '89). The famous Fish Monger women of the Markets were big tough women who used knives to carve up fish to be sold. They embarked on the first JOURNEE (revolutionary march somewhere) to Versailles demand the king do something! They storm into versailles, kill the kings guards, WANT to kill Marie Antoinette, kill her guards. they eventually settle w taking the king and his family back to Paris. "we are taking the baker, the bakers wife and the bakers apprentice (the Prince) back to Paris!!" The King was referred to the baker because they women, working class, poor women were NOT part of the bourgeoisie. They relied on their govt to help them. What they find infuriates them. The king had been HOARDING GRAIN!!! TONS of grain for he and Versailles! 
------The Nat Const Assembly still wanted a Const Monarch.Remember! ALL were equal in the eyes of the law. But...not ALL were equal. Democracy, DIRECT democracy was seen as dangerous. The only power the King got was to veto. To TEMPORARILY stop legislation. The Constitution of 1791 meant to keep popular ideas down.  Remember, if everyone in France could vote, they'd likely do something to help the poor. The new govt  NOW CALLED THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY(made of bourgeoise, propertied owning folks, and nobility) want a govt that protect THEIR PROPERTY(this theme of property is so important. Land, $$, business--you'll see it next year, too.) PROPERTY and wealth determined your life in the France
What you'll get it 2kinds of citizens. Active, those who could annual taxes of 3 days or more cold VOTE to elect ELECTORS!! the Electors had to have More $$! in a country of 25 million of apx 50k MEN could vote. Passive citizens were EQUAL before the eyes of the law but had no property, no property rights, and NO RIGHT to vote. 
$$ GOODbye Guilds. Laws were made to restrict workers from ORGANIZING unions or WORKING together to demand better pay. The free market loves to keep wages low. These laws were called Chapelier Laws. The working class hated them. w no guilds, income for workers plummeted. 
***The church! The State confiscated all church lands and sold them to pay off debts. To help pay frances bills, PAPER money(unique because they were paper and not actually silver or gold) were given. The confiscated church lands were used to back it up. Ouch. Next....the assembly voted that Priest were MUST take oaths to the new state. They would be paid by the state.  They were now employees of the state(1790) It was a huge mistake. It really made the faithful angry. Priests who refused were known as nON JURING PRIESTS. The Catholic church and the Pope are furious, absolutely furious. This action by the revolution, the enlightened ideas, will create animosity between the catholic church and enlightenment principles until a few decades ago. 

Ancien Regime V. The Future


Power in France resided in established TRADITION, inherited rights and privilege. That of the nobility and the Clergy. (Remember, in this case, the idea of clergy r bishops, arch bishops, cardinals) Historically, in France there had been 13 different PARLEMENTS. These parliaments were really just Courts of Appeal throughout France. They made NO laws. They had lots of power is determining legality of TAXATION. Mostly, the Judges who served on the parliaments PURCHASED OR Inherited (remember "tradition", "privilege"!)their ability to serve (nobility of the Gown) The most powerful of the parlements BY FAR was the one in Paris. Remember, these Parlements were headed by the nobility. The nobility and aristocracy were VERY adamant about not changing anything; especially that regarding the idea of taxation. ONLY members of the 3rd Estate paid taxes. One of the points of the Rev was to promote equality. They saw the idea of them paying taxes as taking away their special role in France. They were not the "Equals" to peasants. Nobles could do cool things like carry a sword or wear family crest. Parlements would ALWAYS stand in the way of CENTRALIZING authority.(Although Louis XIV was successful in giving lots of restrictions to them. They end when he died) They hated it. These parlements would be roadblocks to reform at the BEGINNING of the Rev. So Parlements were responsible for posting and enforcing new taxes. As the rev grew closer and calls (especially from dudes like Turgot) for a more equitable tax system grew they refused to post ANY new tax decrees. When Parlements refused to post stuff from the king the king could FORCE Them ONLY with a "Lit de Justice"(Ok.....talk about feudal privilege and tradition. The king would LITERALLY have to show up in a BED with pillows adorning it and address the parlements. He'd get his way from there. ) I want yo to remember that Louis XV and certainly the XVI are NO LOUIS XIV--then again, who is?! Demands for economic reform to save the fRench economy begin in the 1770's. The Parlements REFUSED any attempt to remove their privileges relating to taxation. They DON"T PAY TAXES!!!! Even w the growth of the bourgeoisie class in the 3rd Estate, the nobility would be able to restrict the rise of them due to issues of taxation. The 2nd DON"T PAY TAXES!! All in the 3rd do! Basically, the Parlements were stubborn, ancient, and unwilling to yield any belief in their "traditional rights" to save France.  The Bourgeoisie was the emerging middle class w/in the third estate HATED it. They saw it as unREASONable. As ancient. Unfair. In need of replacement. 
Constrast "Conservativism w/ Liberalism. What did each stand for?Give examples to support and explain both. How will both collide and lead to a revolt? Based on what principles? Again, simple-DIRECT responses. Secondly, Why was there an historic hatred between Austria and France? They were both Catholic AND Conservative. 

Great ANSWER!BH2Also, TOP Down V Bottom up!

Colbert was an advocate for mercantilism or CONTROLLED trade. He believed that the economics of the state should not involve free trade. ALL tariffs, trade, and exports are meant to enrich the state itself and are CONTROLLED by the government. Colbert believed in monopolizing on resources and giving certain businesses MONOPOLIES in certain fields. He stresses self-sufficiency and limited imports but many exports. All of these ideas are clearly shown throughout France. Adam Smith believed that the mercantile system must be abolished and that the individual desire for success will cause economic growth. Smith saw resources as boundless compared to Colbert's restricted view of resources. Smith's idea of free trade and limited government is portrayed in the term Laissez Faire which stresses limited government in economics. In Smith's view, competition of free trade would drive CAPITALISM as people competed to be more successful and make more money than their opponents. Smith's view was more EGALITARIAN with free trade, a key belief of ENLIGHTENED thinkers. In short, he believed free trade = competition = capitalism= more successful and more money. Basically, Colbert believed economics should directly support the state so therefore the state should control all trade. Smith believed the free trade would encourage people to work harder for their own motives and this would bring money into the state and those people will support new sciences and methods to CAPITALIZE and further bring money into the state.
**Enlightened despotism was top down because the Enlightened Monarchs received advice from folks like the philosophes. From there, the made decisions (from the top) to better their country, to make their people's lives better. A BOTTOM up reform movement would come FROM THE PEOPLE!. We'll see this. Revolution is near. 

Welcome to the Enlightenment!

"Think for yourselves and let others enjoy the privilege to do so too".--Voltaire


Let's think about Mozart. DEFINITELY a creation of the ENLIGHTENMENT. Before and even @ the beginning of his career musicians were typically part of a court. They belonged to a king or a noble or the Church. They commissioned songs based on what their master wanted. Birthday songs, party songs, celebratory songs you name it. Mozart will be the beginning of a huge change for musicians. He will work for the court AND archbishop of Salzburg in Austria. Soon, he'll travel to both england and FRANCE. Both, especially the latter, were  evolving socially and politically as to what the role and freedom of a person might include. Remember, the Enlightenment is ALL about freedom. Speech, expression, rich man V poor man equality, judicial rights, ECONOMIC rights, and a dislike for guilds due to restrictions ONLY allowing guild members to make specific projects.(we've been talking about Cottage industry---it's OUTSIDE of the cities and away from controls of the guild) Anyway, this rise in freedom will also create public music houses for people to go and hear music. Concerts will be put on in the parks for the people. Musicians will HAVE to  be hired. Mozart will be one of these guys who'll move away from "belonging" to a king or the church and will sell his services to those willing to pay. Opera houses, public concerts, etc where people PAY to see him. Rock star stuff. ALSO,,, unlike the Baroque music before him the Classical music he creates includes tons of secular themes. It also celebrates the lives of average people. The marriage of figaro has the servants at the center of it all. The opera is cool because its show one's NOBLE birth means nothing. IT will be embraced by the middle class of society who may have had money and success but since they were NOT noble, they were really nothing. Mozarts Marriage of Figaro also promotes WOMEN's RIGHTS! Suzanne, one of the servants, is annoyed that her husband Figaro, as a dude, is trying to assert himself and keep her down. She tells him straight up I'm independent! I'm a rational, thinking person. Leave me alone!
*******CAPITALISM! What is it? "Capital" refers to the means of production that allow you to make money. A capitalist believes in the FREE MARKET. Let the "market" determine the price. For 20 bucks would you buy a burger? What about six bucks? The govt has NO place in determining the value of something. Laissez faire....govt...stay out of the business of business. Capitalist will use their capital to make money. Many capitalist, smart ones at least, will take profits that they make and REINVEST that $$ into research and development to make better production better and MORE efficient.Keep costs down. The lower the cost the lower i can sell the product (which the market will determine) the more likely people will be interested in buying. Guilds HATE this. Artisans were masters in producing goods. Now...(well it takes a while but the point being...)ANYone can enter the market place making and then selling a good. It can be cheaply done but if the price is right, people will by it. Capitalism promotes COMPETITION! Competition keeps prices LOW!! This is AWESOME for you and i the consumer, we want cheap prices. This devastate the artisans and the guilds. As capitalist continue to make $$ and create jobs a new MIDDLE class will emerge. These folks will be referred to as the Bourgeoisie. They have money, education, opportunity, land perhaps. However..under the old system, they have NO political rights. Rememver, the nobility and the church wield ALL the power(NOT IN ENGLAND!) Also, good business people work to become more efficient. We saw that utilizing science and reason to utilized farm land better. It's NO different than a business. Think about groceries stores(this could be used as synthesis in an LEQ) stores hire check out clerks. They're expensive, require healthcare, vacation, sick time, lunch breaks. Pay for a SELF check out machine and all it costs is the initial investment. They don't get sick, complain, argue, talk back, need vacation. This is GREAT for the business man but BAD for the employee
++++Coffee Shops in Enlgand were VERY egalitarian. The coffee shop was the place where folks of all backgrounds could engage in discourse w/out the concern of class. Example, a poor dude could speak AND Disagree w his social better w/out fear of trouble. Thanks Colombian Exchange!
 LOTS of writers wanted to be the Next Voltaire or Rousseau. Most failed miserably BUT Still loved to write. They'll become what are referred to a "Grub Street Hacks." They'll sell their writing which is often gossipy junk writing, called "libel" (think libelous) 
***Extra Credit to the THREE BEST responses. Explain to be why Colbert and Smith's interpretations of economics contrast with one another. Which represent that of control and which that of the Free Market? Also, why is enlightened absolutism a TOP DOWN reform and NOT bottom UP REFORM! 4 EVERYTHING ELSE points. 

Yeah Science!

When you see "scholastic philosophy" it'll refer to Scholastic Learning. It was how learning took place during the Middle Ages at the early universities PRE Renaissance so obviously Pre Scientific Rev. Descartes will be a key figure to move beyond Scholasticism. Also, i want you to recognize that the language of culture, diplomacy, science, and education will cease to be Latin and will become FRENCH. 
Natural law are things that are NATURAL to man. For the Philosophes, it'll be ideas of freedom. Man is rational and capable of free thought and governing his own actions. Certain philosophes will have different opinions on what levels of "freedom" one should have. Some of these freedoms relate to self government, ECONOMICS (free trade!!, goodbye guilds/unions, mercantilism is NO GOOD!), separation of Church and State, secularism. Deism is the "religion" of the the age of Science and the Enlightenment. "God" is a clock maker. Clocks are INCREDIBLY hard to create. Hence, the world, the universe was VERY hard to make BUT made by something. Deism, "deity" believes that this Clock Maker made the Universe and THAT's It. It does not claim any allegiance to any of the Abrahamic Faiths of the East and West nor those of Asia. 
 The scientific rev will begin to further challenge claims of the church. Faith is not enough for many scientists. They must be able to see and observe things in order to believe. To many religious, the new ideas of science were a threat to religion. Many scientific discoveries disproved biblical and CHruch claims. Protestants called for PRIVATE interpretation of the Bible. "you interpret it anyway you want." on the other hand, the catholic church, who for centuries said that they alone interpreted the bible for the masses (hence, the reason for it to only be written in latin which most folks' could not read) The church did not believe that layman(non clergy members) could interpret the bible. So after the council of Trent the Catholic church actually began to take  literal view of the bible. Galilleo will challenge the church by supporting Copernicus' view of heliocentrism, which was in contrast to the Church's support of geocentrism. They censured those ideas. Gallileo kept at it and was summoned before the Inquisition. Rememer, the Catholic church is an INCREDIBLY Conservative institution. They will be anti-"liberalism"  Many books and ideas (see Spain) will be banned. 
****Let's make peace! According to Blaise Pascal (aka Pascal) both religion and science could work together. he thought catholic jesuits too strict. He also rejected the ideas of atheists and Deists. He said "a loving God exists and that deists and atheists had overestimated Reason as a way to explain the world." His contribution is this: Pascal's Wager. Believe in God....what do you have to lose? You die and God exists you go to heaven. You die and he doesn't, well....If you believe you gain EVERYTHING! He argues that belief in God improved morals and social values. 
**Women and the scientifiC Rev
As has become common in our studies, we see that women had been excluded from most opportunities. Women were denied opportunity in the intellectual world. Margaret Cavendish had been tutored as a girl and then married well. This opportunity allowed her to surround herself w great minds. She will contribute much to the dialogue. She was able to debate the new ideas and became so respected that she was able to visit the Royal Society of London(a science center) 

Reactionaries, Conservativism, TRADITION!RL4

This came from one of your colleagues, i thought it flowed well and covered all areas really well. "One example of a reactionary policy would be the Catholic Church throughout the Reformation. When Martin Luther published his 95 Theses, the Catholics reacted by summoning him at the Diet of Worms in order to maintain the Catholic power. Beginning the Protestant Reformation, the Catholic Church tried to maintain their traditional position in Europe by reaffirming their doctrine in various ways. For example, the Council of Trent was utilized to reaffirm the doctrine created by the Church. Although they rid of indulgences and simony, they affirmed transubstantiation and other Catholic beliefs."
****Other examples of Reactionary groups would be Spain and the inquisition, Rome, The Bourbon's (wait and see) The Boyars, MOST Czars of Russia, GERMAN Conservatives, ANY FANS OF TRADITION, ANYONE opposed to Revolution, ......Great Agains..., Fascists"  These things ALL evolve over the course of the year. Again, these are themes that reactionaries fit in to. They are not all related but they do share ideas of tradition, the past, centralized control, lack of social mobility, etc. 
*****When i see your writing, i want you all to keep things SIMPLE!! Write it how you would speak it. (formally of course) Don't try and include multiple themes into ONE CONCRETE DETAIL. The Spanish "REACTED" to all challenges to the Catholic Church by sending potential adversaries to the Inquisition. Spain did this BECAUSE they supported, fully, the catholic church and Papal infallibility. If the Pope says it, it's the Word of God." 
Change. Bad. Status quo. GOOD. 

Russia and the WEST

Russia is in the EAST!! Notice that our course is Western Civilization. We discuss how religion, politics, economics, and "western" ideas (liberalism, democracy, free speech, secularism, etc) shaped the West. RUSSIA is the EAST. It's ALL different there. VERY rarely will they seek to "join" with the West. (Peter the Great is interested in the West as is is Catherine the Great. Notice they're both GREAT?")  We do see Russia and it's relationship tot he west the entire year. Basically, when we think of western ideas and how they evolve over the year i want you to know that Russia, more or less DOES NOT change. There are attempts. So success MUCH backlash. Even their revolution in the 20th century devolves back into a new form of absolutism. Not royal absolutism but STATE absolutism. 
--Russia does not celebrate the Catholic Mass so therefore were never part of the religious reformation that we saw in the west. It celebrates the Eastern Orthodox tradition. Traditionally, the Czar (or Tsar, CAESAR) is not only the head of the county (king) but he is also the head of the Russian Orthodox Church. He is in charge of all things state and religious. As the west develops reforms, Russia (and the east in general) will maintain their CONSERVATIVE order. (king, centralized govt, state religion) There is a lot of pride in Russian THEN and NOW about all things Russian. Tradionalists in Russia take pride that Russia is indeed NOT the West. The terrible wars and revolutions t hat we'll see in the west throughout the year will to really happen in Russia. (undoubtedly it'll effect them!) 
Noticing that Russia was indeed backwards, behind the west Peter the Great sets off to modernize Russia. Peter the Great saw the west as technologically advanced, scientifically modern, militarily strong and economically rich. Peter LOVES boats and ships. GREAT POWERS have great navy's. This for military strength and for trade. Unfortunatly for russia, they'll only have one warm water port. It's frozen during the winter! How can you get new ideas without access to western, outside ides. remember, most of russia is landlocked so new ideas and diversity is lacking. Peter will go to the netherlands and england to see how they build ships and how great they are. He'll also work to rebuild the military. He'll also work to CENTRALIZEthe government and take control from the hands of the nobles. The nobles are traditionalists and won't wanna change. Peter believed in service and that he could help modernize russia. %%%%%Modern countries cannot became "modernized" unless they embrace the new ideas of the rest. Russia is slow to modernize. Much of it has to do w it's landlocked status(they don't have any real ports, YET!) it's size and it's commitment to Russian culture. (the Orthodox Church, Slavism, and autocracy--rule of the czar!) 

Understanding Mercantilism

First off, when you see "mercantilism" i want you to recognize it's the economics of CONTROL. TRADE is CONTROLLED. There is not freedom to trade w who you want, no freedom to allow other potential competitors into the market. The goal is to MONOPOLIZE and CONTROL. Kings love it, STRONG national governments love it. We'll see challenges to controlled, MERCANTILISM really soon but for now let's recognize this: Mercantilism supports: Control, Monopolies, UNIONS/Guilds(do you remember what a guild is?) NO competition, and the promotion of the state first and foremost. 
Mercantilism recognizes that there are limited amounts of resources in the world so it's best to get them and CONTROL them. When countries w colonies utilized these colonies, those colonies were only allowed to trade BACK to the Mother country; no one else. Remember!? CONTROL! Let's look at tobacco. It's going to enrich England. The English colonies on the American east coast were ONLY allowed to ship the tobacco back to the mother country. They couldn't trade it diretly w the dutch, the french, the spanish, the whoever! This would have helped colonial farmers, no doubt. Instead, they were told they could only trade w the mother country who, from there, would CERTAINLY trade w those other countries. They'd set the price. Also, concepts of economic control would only allow certain folks to make things. For example, members of the guilds were EXPERTS and making things. They were called artisans. Laws (yes, really laws!!) were put in place to only allow members of these guilds to make specific items. Let's say shoes. Shoes were skillfully created. A master made them by hand. This made shoes expensive. In our next unit, we'll see challenges to guilds and artisans w mechanized production. This, like the printing press(synthesis!!!) will allow for the mass production of "shoes." the supply will go up, making the price go down BUT shoes will become more affordable allowing for a whole new market to be created of folks who otherwise would not be able to afford them to PURCHASE them. 
Again, mercantilism. CONTROL. Economics of absolutism. 

Absolutism-Then AND Later

Please keep in mind that we will be seeing issues of CENTRALIZED authority v. DE-cenralized authority all year. We've seen elements of DE during the middle ages where feudalism governed; weak kings strong lords. Then, when our class begins we begin to see the Birth of New Monarchs. Spain is born, France is unified after the 100 years war, Henry VII will smash the nobility AND the Pope( who i'm happy to refer to in the context of a new monarch) has full power over his flock and he's based in Rome(remember, we'll see criticism of this in "Germany" HRE)  Absolutism is the NEXT step in centralizing authority. The king is the boss, parliaments and the nobility will need to obey. The people will usually fall in line. The religion of the King, ALMOST certainly (at this point in the west at least) will be Catholicism. Remember, one of the reasons behind the  English civil war is the return or threats of stuart dynasty to flirt w catholicism. The faith, the law, the MONEY of the country is meant to do one thing: SERVE the state, BUILD the state, MAKE the state powerful. Louis XIV will be the MAN. Cardinal Richelieu who is a politique abroad BUT an advocate of absolutism at home works tirelessly to squash the Huegenot threat during Louis XIII reigns. Ultimately, Louis XIV (honestly guys, JUST remember him--HE IS HUGE!!!) will REVOKe the Edict of Nantes. Having a different faith from the king is CHALLENGING the king. You don't do that. Colbert will help formulate the economic policy known as MERCANTILISM. NO free trade, ALL tariffs, ALL trade is meant to enrich the STATE. #englandisdifferent( in this case, a bit different)
****absolutism will evolve in our class. By the time we get to the 20th century, absolutism will follow the same ideology of state control of $, "faith", people, the father figure aspect (cult of personality)
glorius revolution- James get's run out of town and his replaced by his daughter, Mary and here Dutch husband william of orange. They will promise parliament to GOVERN with them. They create a bill of rights and ultimately, England is a land where PARLIAMENT governs with the aide of a king. The people win. In Europe, (IN FRANCE!!!) the King, LOUIS! wins RULES, CONTROLS!

3o Years War PRINT THIS!

This will give you a BREAK DOWN of the AWFUL, TERRIBLE, BLOODY 3o Years War. Remember, the wars of religion in HRE nearly tear it apart. Charles V/I wants to Re-Catholicize it. He won't. To make peace, he'll issue the Peace of Augsburg. One group will be left OUT. REVIEW THIS> 

October 2016

October calendar available. PLEASE TAKE NOTE! October and MARCH are our two most intensive months. They're LONG months each with plenty to cover. Buchan

**Germanic Ideas of Obeying Authority--ALSO RESIST!!!

LUTHER! The dude was a rebel. He challenged the Catholic Church, he told the Pope he was bad, he stood up to the most powerful man in Eruope, Charles V/AKA Charles I. He used his understanding of the Bible to recognize that the Church MUST reform, it was corrupt and decadent. However......WHEN his movement began to spread throughout "Germany" (THE HRE) he became concerned. Luther called for the German Princes to challenged the authority of the Pope in Rome, essentially create a "German Church." Breakaway from that foreign authority, that "roman" authority. Many of Luther's followers liked what he was saying...including the peasantry. The Peasants will REVOLT against their lords causing mass chaos and destruction .THey believed that Lutehr's "revolt" against Rome was a universal effort to overthrow oppressive leaders, lords, etc. Luther, however was FURIOUS!! He wrote an article CONDEMNING the peasants called "On the Murderous Thieving Hordes" saying that it was the duty of the peasants to OBEY!!!! You have God and on earth you have your lords, your leaders. OBEY THEM. This is God's command. To challenge this system is to challenge God. The "freedom" luther taught focused on freeing oneself of sin by speaking to God directly,NOT changing society!!!! Luther will call for German princes to SQUASH to peasants; the do. 
*****Protestant Resistance Theory!!!!!!!************
JOhn Calvin HATED kings. He hated centralized authority. He believed, that people were to obey LEGALLY made governments. BUT! He believed int was the duty of local leaders, to CHALLENGE higher authorities who were tyrannical and squashed people's rights----in particular, his followers right to practice Calvinism. In France, Calvinism is growing amongst the nobility. The French monarchy during the 16th century (1500's) is in disarray mid century. Catherine De Medici(YES! Another Medici!) Is queen of france. Her husband is dead, she'll have sons who one by one will become king and die. She is TOUGH. She is RUTHLESS. SHE WIL SQUASH ANYONE who challenged her boy's right to rule. She will punish those who practice Calvinism.