Buchan, Kelly » 2022-23 School Year

2022-23 School Year

Welcome Mustangs!

This is my nineteenth year as a social studies teacher and year fourteen as a Mustang. Previously, I spent five great years at Bernardo Yorba Middle School.

This year I will be teaching world and AP European history. Also, I will be the coach of our Academic Decathlon team.

Parents AND Students! Please sign up for my text service through Remind.com I will send texts with historical information that can be beneficial. See website for information. Additionally, all students need to sign up for google classroom. I'll post many things w/in it that you will be responsible for. Glad to have you and I'm very excited to be with you for the year!
Be sure that you monitor google classroom.  
El Dorado High School 1997
UCSB 2001



England, Spain, Reformation

SPAIN! The most powerful country in the world at the time. HUGE navy, colonial empire in the America's. The kIng of spain, Charles I was also HR Emperor charles V. During his reign, the Reformation will begin. Remember, Charles was part of the Hapsburg family. The Haps controlled Austria and were ALMOST always elected HR emperor. Due to birth, he'll also end up as king of spain. Anyway, during the Reformation, a series of awful wars will break out throughout the HRE. Catholics V Lutherans. TERRIBLE violence. Terrible cruelty. The Wars will end with the Peace of Augsburg. IT allowed the princes of the HRE to determine if they'll be Catholic or Lutheran----from THERE, their subjects will have to share the religion of their prince. There is ONE denomination that is missing. The one that is the most militant, strict, and will be born i Geneva. It'll spread into the HRE, netherlands, England, france, scotland(doesn't matter the, the order)  As Charles got older, he grew tired of all of the fighting of these religious war.(From like 1540ish on you'll have a series of religious wars throughout HRE---THEN it'll get worse during the 30 Years War from 1618-48----!!Remember! one denomination was left out of peace of augsburg.) Charles steps down. His son Ferdinand becomes HR emperor. His OTHER son Philip, will become the King of Spain. Phillip will need to get married. Remember, marriage amongst royalty was not based on love, it was based on the hope of creating alliances. Phillip will see the power of Spain PEAK. 
LET's REWIND to before Luther. Let's go to England, 1509. Henry Tudor, the next in line to be king of england. He was VERY proud to be a Catholic. He'll greatly criticize Luther when he challenged the Pope. In fact, the Pope will aware him the title "Defender of the Faith."  Ok, VII Dies and his son Henry VIII will take over. Henry will marry a SPANISH girl--Catherine of Aragon. Her mom and Dad were ferdinand and isabella. Remember what they did for spain!? WHY would little England want their king to be married to a Spanish princess??Initially, she'll be wed to henry's brother. The brother will die and she'll be married to henry. The Bible warns against a brother "laying with his brothers wife." In order to ease these concerns, a special "Papal Dispensation" (permission) will be given. Basically the pope says "as pope, i speak for God and i say that this marriage will be ok and fruitful." It wasn't. 

Reformation, Luther AND Calvin

A "diet" is like a congress, a meeting of officials. "Worms" (pronounced in German Verms) is a city in "Germany". (Sounds like a literal diet of eating worms!) He wanted luthher to stop talking because Luther was gaining a following. Part of the "danger" was that the German princes of the HRE would follow Luther, break away from The Catholic Church. Squash him now to avoid problems. The pope wanted him burned at the stake but HRE emperor Charles 5th(first of Spain) promised that no one would be executed in HRE w or a hearing. He promised Luther a hearing. Charles was a loyal Catholic but he feared what could happen to the hre(remember, it's basically "Germany) if he allowed Luther, who was essentially "German" to been executed. Would this break the empire up??(actually, what'll happen is that warfare WILL breakout in the empire.) the NORTH will follow Luther and other Protestants sects, while southern europe(this is true w where we're in class----north AlMoST all Protestant whereas the SOuTH of Euro always Catholic.)
Luther will confess that he challenged the pope BUt he challenged based in his knowledge of the bible. He was escorted out by his friends((he was now too popular to arrest) went into hiding AND translated Bible into German!! Before, bible was only in Latin. NOW!!! The laity who could read could read it in their native language, German. Remember, Luther believes in a "priesthood of all believers." You don't need to be a priest to lead folks in worship of God. 
Regarding John Calvin (or Jean Calvin) he was from France BUT moves to Switzerland. From here, he'll create his own sect of Protestantism. It's VERY strict. Plain dress, no songs(accept for religious) no dancing, no gambling, basically NO VICES! It hated the idea of the Catholic Church. They thought the Pope was terrible. Essentially, men like Calvin and his followers disliked the idea of ONE person determining spiritual and scriptural ideas. Keeping things local and decentralized is the key. Utlimately, these ideas will go to France. The French Calvinists will call themselves Huegenots. The NOBILITY(!!) will follow the ideas of Calvin. THINK!! The Pope, was essentially the king of catholicism with all issues centralized in Rome. The king of France was the King of ALL french. He centralized all authority to himself. REMEMBER! The nobility and those in the more rural areas will ALWAYS challenge a strong, centralized authority. Calvinism will also go to england. King Henry VIII(who finally got rid of his wife 'cuz the pope would NOT grant him an annulment) formed his own church. The CHURCH OF ENGLAND. It was BASICALLY the same as catholicism W/out a the Pope. Guess who will be the head of the Church of England?>____ Remember, calvinists hate the idea of catholicism and since the church of england is basically Catholicism w the King of England at the head, England Calvinists will seek t "PURIFY" it of ALL elements of Catholicism. They'll be called PURITANS and face all kinds of persecution. Ultimately, they'll head to the colonies. 

HRE, Catholicism, Reformation

When we talk about the themes of "DE-centralized authority" vs. "Centralized Authority" we need to put it into context of where Europe was during the middle ages. During that time, you guys all know, power was dominated by the nobility- or AT BEST, shared with a king. The nobility ALWAYS have (we'll see this continue) to be threats to a king. The king had little power at that time anyway. The concept of CENTRALIZED govt means that power is CENTERED in one place, with the king. The nobility get squashed OR at best, will be kept CLOSE by the king. Examples of centralized authority would definitely be Spain, France, and we could (i would) easily argue that the Catholic Church, w the Pope at the head of an international church, could be defined as a centralized authority. The New Monarchs represented this NEW, centralized power. In contrast, the Germanic states of the HRE are PERFECTLY examples of a DE-Centralized govt. Sure, they got the emperor but he plays a VERY SMALL role in the day to day of the over 300 germanic states of the HRE. 7 electors elect the Emperor who is basically ALWAYS a member of the Hapsburg Family. Hapsburg are from Austria. Austria AND the Hapsburgs are super catholic. Southern Europe will remain super catholic. Think! How will the Hapsburgs relate to Spain?>>???????
Let's think back to the beginning and those who challenged the authority of th catholic church. Geographcially, where were they from in euro? Why did they dislike the Papacy? Challenges to the Pope's authority(his CENTRALIZED authority) will begin in NOrhtern Europe. It's a place that began to challenge the papacy(remember!? Erasmus wrote satires about pope julius!) The REFORMation is an attempt by Northern Europeans to REFORM the Catholic CHurhc. It'll be led by brilliant Catholic Priest, Martin Luther. Luther will warn the Pope he is being misled. The Pope is raising money for something beautifully grand in Rome.(how does he raise money? What do those items promise a purchaser? DO you think Luther and other Northern Europeans will like what the Pope is selling? WHY or WHY NOT!!!!?) What you'll ULTIMATELY get in the north of europe is the exact of opposite of what you have in the Catholic South of Europe. Things'll become more local. Local people (by "local" i mean folks who aren't ALL the way away in Rome) will have a voice. Challenges to Church doctrine will put the north and south at war. Those who question the Church(in spain and in the the Netherlands----they controlled it) will face the Inquisition. The Church relies on it's interpretation of the bible. TRADITION!!!!! The Church is our first example(as are some of these new monarchs) of CONSERVATIVISM!!!! Ignore what you know what "liberal" and "conservative"" Totally different. 

Ultimately, Reformation will change how people view their faith, HOW they practice it AND HOW THEY VIEW GOVERNMENT. Local or far away??!


Lorenzo Valla's analysis of the Donation of Constantine in the "On the False Donation of Constantine" showed that an educated person cannot be controlled. Knowledge is power. During the dark ages, most people---basically EVERYONE, was ignorant and uneducated (in europe) He wasn't. The Church was the leader for all. The Church is what gave people hope. The Pope led the Church. He used is skill in languages to read the "Donation of Constantine" to see that there is NO WAY IT WAS REAL! Ok, Constantine is in reference to Roman Emperor Constantine (constantinople?!) What it said was the Emperor had "Donated" lots of land in the Roman Empire to the Catholic Church. When Valla read it he realized "this cannot be correct. The words that they're using weren't even AROUND during Constantines time!!! They didn't come into use 'til like 500 year later." Basically, the document was a forgery used by the Catholic Church to assert power and authority over the people=basically as feudal lord and obviously as spiritual savior. Heaven could only be found through the Church-the Pope LED the Church.Now Valla did NOT mean to embarrass his Church, he loved it. in the 16th century, opponents of the Church and enemies of the Pope will point to Valla's work and say "SEE!!! They're lying to us! They care only bout power, not spirituality or the words in the Bible."
Extra Credit Opportunity.
IF you got points today, you can answer but you won't be eligible. "what was the printing press? Who invented it? How would the printing press HELP lead the Renaissance? Why would books become more readily available and can you express to me WHAT MORE BOOKS might mean for an ignorant Europe? What about for a Catholic CHurhc that controlled ALL knowledge? three points extra to the 5 best. the BEST, not the first. I need analysis not regurgitation of wikipeadia. You're words and a clear understanding "WHY!!"By 1pm tomorrow. 


The idea of CENTRALIZED government is that a king or a leader(or a government) will be the CENTRAL authority of that country. Examples of this would be the Pope in the Catholic Church. NO MATTER where you in the world (today, too) the Pope is the unchallenged leader. Kings, especially dudes we'll call the NEW MONARCHs, will seek to CENTRALIZE their authority.  When we talk about the Holy Roman Empire (HRE) we'll see that it's HUGE. However, it's SUPER DOOPER DE-CENTRALIZED. Yeah, they have an emperor BUT he holds little power. THE HRE is broken up into over 300 different states, principalities, margravates, etc with their own leaders. Yeah, they recognize the Emperor, but they pretty much do their own thing. Throughout the year we'll see kings assert their authority. Then we'll see govtss assert their authority into the CENTER of their country. Efforts to challenge CENTRALIZATION will occur throughout our year. When you think about De-CENTRALIZED govt, think "LOCAL" government. Think the State of California V. that of the Federal govt in Washington dc. 
Urban centers, "BIG CITIES!" will emerge first in "italy." Why? See your notes but remember "geography is destiny." The dark ages was feudal, a terrific example of decentralized authority. The creation of the big urban centers will put POWER in the hands the growing merchant class, the business dudes. The OLD Rich (traditional feudal lords) will be jealous. The NEW Rich will demand respect. They represent the future. 
The thinkers, the scholars and rock stars of the Early Renaissance were focused on learning about how those dudes in Antiquity thought. Medieval art was ONLY religious. Renaissance art will be considered "Pagan" by conservative folks who believed in tradition. Soon, however, the Pope will embrace the idea of the Renaissance. Live for today! Enjoy life! To many people, primarily in Northern Europe, these EARTHLY pursuits and VICE will be seen as not only sinful, but bad. They'll soon challenge the authority of the Catholic Church---IN THE NORTH!! The Italian Renaissance goes and celebrates ALL THING GRECO-ROMAN! Let's enjoy life! However, debauchery and vice will become all too frequent. 
A REAL HUMANIST studies the HUMANITIES!! Also, can you USE your knowledge. THEY HATE tradition, the QUESTION things. During the Middle Ages (medieval, dark ages) focused on tradition. A humanist would QUESTION WHY!!!? They'll look directly at literature to understand things rather than rely on what some one tells them. Virtue, wisdom. These are cool things---stuff a humanist strove for. Let's be WELL ROUNDED, not one dimensional! Contemporary example.....You guys all take history, foreign language, literature, science, math, maybe band, maybe sports, maybe for theatre, maybe art. You're WELL rounded. You don't just come to school to take AP EURO.
How did Lorenzo Valla's study of language serve him and the cause of humanism? Did it embarrass the Catholic Church? How? How might later enemies of the Catholic Church use what he PROVED(by the way, he was a VERY loyal Catholic) to attack the AUTHORITY of the Catholic Church?? 2 Extra Credit Points to the the 5 BEST responses received by 5pm. I'll award points TOMORROW. Remember, the BEST. NOT THE FIRST!!!

AP EURO-September Calendar

ALL AP EURO students are to have their september calendar on the first day of school. Additionally, each student will have a separate binder for this class. It will include: Dividers for each section. A calendar Section. Hand out section. Written practice section. We'll have a binder check quickly into the year. 

Watch This

You need to watch the whole documentary.  It's copied at the bottom and is fair game for the first day of school. Remember, i don't care necessarily about dates and individuals. This class tests' analysis and understanding of the content. Memorization is so minimal. Critical thinking is key! Our class begins in 1450. What we are seeing now is essentially PRE 1450. Pay close attention to the style of art pre renaissance and that which becomes PART of the Renaissance. Notice the technique, the color, the perspective, the themes, the subject matter. Does it look Greco Roman? Does it glorify man? Does it solely glorify God? Art in the Dark Ages was meant to teach about the Bible. The ONLY art you could create had to be Christian themed otherwise it was considered Pagan. (greco-roman) The Renaissance challenges EVERYTHING!


Michaelangelo, Brunelleschi, Botticelli, Leonardo(Da Vinci), Galilleo—These were the ROCK Stars, the key figures of the Renaissance. They’ll change the world and lead the Renaissance

The “Classical” past refers to the Greco Roman era. PRE Dark Ages. Remember, the RENAISSANCE is a “REBIRTH” in the ideas of the Classical Era, the Greco Roman Era. Greek Civilization was first, then Rome, THEN the Dark Ages, THEN a Rebirth--the Renaissance. 

COMPETITION amongst patrons (people who paid artists to create) helped lead to all kinds of new styles of art. NOW, artists can create art for a living.

Note: Those who succeed in this class do everything i tell them to do! Honestly, it's a pretty good documentary and i hope you enjoy it. 

Watch this!

Watch the above from the BEGINNING to 26:00  It's pretty interesting so it should go by quickly. Also, IGNORE the names of the people. Pay attention to the themes of the disease, how it spread, why people got sick, what Europe looked like (urban=CITIES) during this time period. Also, a map detailing the Italian Peninsula will be shown a few times. remember, a peninsula is surrounded on three sides by water. "geography is destiny" and these "italians" were great sailors and business people. Consider how new ideas will transform "italy" before the rest of Europe. Remember, the REBIRTH of classical (greco Roman) cultural and knowledge starts in "italy." 

Giovanni Boccaccio will write a book called the Decameron(combines GRECO-ROman words=Ten Days) detailing life of 7 ladies and 3 dudes who were hiding OUTSIDE the city walls of Florence during the outbreak of Plague. It has tales of love as well as tragedy. It details folks' who really have no idea what's next. Is the world over? Sure seems like it with the Plague. Cool thing about it, it is written in the vernacular(language) FLORENTINE language(florence) Florence is the birthplace of the Renaissance. Books like Decameron and the later Dante's Divine Comedy(also written in florentine dialect) will HELP create the specific Italian language. Remember, western language was rooted in the Vulgate of Latin. It evolves from region to region(france, germany, eng, spain, italy, etc)These books serve to create the Italian language which is rooted in Florence. 


You'd be crazy not to pay attention to the stuff i'm sending your way. A key to being a Successful AP student is always heed my advice. More to come on the Medici tomorrow!! If you need ANY help, EMAIL ME!


This will help with understanding the VERY basic concept of a thesis. Soon, i'll start offering extra credit for those who can respond with a strong thesis for a prompt i give based on your reading. ****Also, it has more historical stuff. 


check out your google classroom account. remember, this too was an assignment due by the last day of school. those who signed up by that time will receive their points. 

2016-17 Euro Students!

Some of you received the extra credit for having signed up early for remind.com NOW all of you signed up have earned your first 3 assessments points. ALL points count, don't take any for granted. Follow my instructions and the year will go much easier. I'll begin texting and updating google classroom soon--be sure to sign up for it. 

Welcome to Academic Decathlon!

The topic for 2016-17 will be World War II. Attached to this post is the Remind.com password for all Academic Decathletes to utilize. Information throughout the summer and the academic school year will be sent out. 
******The novel is Transit, by Anna Seghers. PLEASE sign up for remind service. I'll post information/dates for next year TOMORROW!!! Glad to have you all. Please ensure you register with your counselor so you're all set to go. Picking up the packets in August will be your FIRST assignment.