College and Career Rep Visits

FCC, SCC and IVC will be visiting us this school year!
To rsvp for a community college visit:
Fullerton College Liaison for YLHS Darlene
Santiago Canyon College Liaison for YLHS
Biola University
Fullerton College Teacher Pathway Program
CSUF Business Program
The Cal State Fullerton Business program would like to meet virtually with any seniors applying to colleges to highlight the perks of applying to CSUF and their Business Honors Program. Please email Brandon Tang if you are interested: [email protected].
https://www. - This is the general CSUF homepage where you can find all things related to the campus as a whole.
Chapman University
They would like to schedule virtual visits with any interested student. Please email Marie Bury Loew, Office of Admissions: [email protected].
Grand Canyon University
Contact Jessica Hagerty at [email protected] to schedule an appointment. For a FULL SCHEDULE of Virtual Events put on by GCU, click HERE!
Hope University
They would like to meet with you in person or virtually. If you are interested in Hope U, please email Michael Cruz, Director of Undergraduate Admissions: [email protected]
California Baptist University
Representative: Nathan Moretti
If students would like to set up an appointment with me, they can use this link:
Also, if they would like to visit campus, they can see opportunities to do so here: