Counseling & Student Services » Copy of 2024-25 Enrollment Information: For students who are NOT currently enrolled at a school in PYLUSD

Copy of 2024-25 Enrollment Information: For students who are NOT currently enrolled at a school in PYLUSD


We are excited to welcome you to
Yorba Linda High School!



Follow the instructions below for

New Student Enrollment for the

2024-2025 School Year


These instructions are for Private School, MBA, MCA and CHOICE Transfer students NOT currently enrolled in a PYLUSD School. If your student is NOT currently enrolled in any PYLUSD school, please follow the steps below to complete enrollment at YLHS. 

*If this is the student's first time enrolling in the PYLUSD and the student most recently attended school outside the United States, please contact Student Services at our district office at (714) 985-8437 for enrollment eligibility.



Step 1: 


Complete online Aeries Air enrollment at: 


Print out completed online enrollment confirmation and sign and date where required. You will email the Aeries enrollment confirmation with the required paperwork listed below to [email protected]


Please do not upload documents to Aeries Air, email them instead



Step 2: 


Collect ALL (14 plus pages total) required documents listed below, scan and email copies in the order listed below to the YLHS Counseling Clerk, Lisa Friedman, [email protected]


  1. AERIES signed online enrollment confirmation (step 1)
  1. Proof of the child's age must be presented at the time of registration. Proof may be a certified copy of a birth record or a statement by the local registrar or a county recorder certifying the date of birth, or a baptism certificate duly attested, or a passport, or, when none of the foregoing is obtainable, an affidavit of the parent, guardian, or custodian of the minor, or any other appropriate means of proving the age of the child as prescribed by the governing board of the school district. (CA Education Code Section 48002).
  1. Residency is established by completing the 2024-2025 Residency Verification Form - print out and complete the form (3 pages) attached at the bottom of this page.
  1. Provide one of the approved verification documents listed: (CA Education Code Section 48204.1):
  • Current utility bill: electric, water, or Southern California Gas Co. (complete form). School may accept a Letter of Residency from Southern California Edison.
  • Current property tax or income tax documents (from the IRS, State, and/or County)
  • Escrow papers with closing date (within 90 calendar days of student entering school)
  • Rental/lease agreement or payment receipts and, if applicable, Rental Supplemental Form
  • Current payroll stub, unemployment check, or evidence of disability benefits (both name and address
    must appear on the checks)
  • Current Social Services placement documents
  • Voter registration
  • Correspondence from a government agency
  1. Parent Photo Identification - (A government or non-government issued Photo ID)
  1. Students current up to date Immunization Record. See flyer attached at the bottom of this page for immunization requirements.
  1. Medical History form completed and signed (print out and complete the form attached at the bottom of this page)
  1. Copy of one of the following: Unofficial transcript from the previous school (current 8-11 graders)   OR   Most recent report card (current 8th grade only)  
  1. IEP or 504 if applicable  
  1. Consent to Release Records (print out and complete the form attached at the bottom of this page)
  1. Post Enrollment Form (print out and complete the form attached at the bottom of this page)
  1. Course Selection Request Card for correct grade level (print out and complete the form attached at the bottom of this page) completed and signed by parent/guardian



Step 3: 


Once you have all the above-listed required documents gathered, scan and email the documents  in a single attachment in the order shown above to [email protected] 



Step 4: 


Once steps 1, 2, and 3 have been accomplished, Mrs. Friedman will let you know that everything is complete and that your student has been enrolled.


Questions regarding enrollment or documents?

Email Lisa Friedman, [email protected]



Listed below are the required documents, course offerings for YLHS, AP/Honors class information, elective and performing arts information, athletics information, graduation requirements for college entrance and more! 



8th Grade Round Up Presentation